First, my apology is two posts down. It is done, it is published. I can move on now.
Then, here is a quick catch up on almost a year of happenings. When I last left you, back in March of last year, we were so happy that our daughter, Mindy had found happiness in Kansas City, doing her internship and that she would graduate from UT in May. Tollie and I planned a trip to Missouri in April so that we could spend some time with her and her beau, Trent. The plan was to go to Tyler for Tollie's usual monthly work run and then leave Tyler on Thursday and go to Missouri, staying until Monday and coming back then. It would be a short trip, but a good one.
We were happily surprised two weeks before our planned trip to have a phone call from Trent on April 7th, the day before Easter. Trent called to ask for Mindy's hand in marriage. Jamie was here that night and we were shouting and screaming and dancing around, so excited! Trent took Mindy the next day to a special place for them and proposed. She, of course, said yes and they planned to be married sometime in June.
This changed the whole reason for Tollie and I going to Missouri. Now we were on a mission, to make plans for the wedding that would take place in five weeks! That's right, they would be married on June 2nd. Since we had the date, we had to decide where, how it all happens and what to wear! we planned to leave on Tuesday.......
During the night, Tollie woke with his heart fluctuations. We went to the ER about 4 AM and there remained until Wednesday morning. It was so frustrating. Tollie thought we would go to the ER, they would give him medication and we would be on our way to Tyler. Tollie had a nightmare and when he woke up, his heart was doing its thing! He has atrial fibrillation and occasionally his heart gets out of sync. When this happens, they give him medication in the vein and it clears up almost immediately.
But this time, the ER doctor wanted him to have some tests. We told her this was not the first time and please call his cardiologist. On Tuesday afternoon, as we were still in the ER because they had no beds on the floor, we were told he was being admitted. When asked again, we were told his cardiologist was called. He was to have a cath the next day.
My heart began to fluctuate!!!! I figured our trip to Missouri was out. Tollie was put in a room
5:30 on Tuesday evening and I kept wondering where Dr. Brady was!!!! I went home to get a good night's sleep and got to the hospital early Wednesday morning. Our family doctor, Dr. Vardiman came by to check on Tollie and we told him we had not seen Dr. Brady yet and we had plans to go to Tyler and Missouri. I told him I thought it was caused by the nightmare (I had looked up on the internet about his condition and it stated that sometimes it can be caused by nightmares!) Dr. Vardiman agreed with me and he said he would sign him out! But.....he wanted us to see Dr. Brady before he left town.
The dear nurse, who could not believe we were leaving without tests, called Dr. Brady's office and they would see us as we left the hospital! Of course, we found out at the office that they never got the message Tollie was in the ER!!!!! ARGHHHHHH! Believe me, the next time I will call Dr. Brady's office myself and make sure he knows he is there! Dr. Brady had no problem with our traveling and scheduled a nuclear stress tests for later in the month! Yeah!!!!! we were on our way to Missouri by way of Tyler!
Our trip to Missouri was fruitful. Mindy knew she wanted to get married in North Texas. It would make it convenient for both sides of the family to travel, but not too far for anyone. They also decided to have only family, close family at the wedding. This was a big decision as that meant no close friends, no aunts, uncles or cousins. We would have two receptions, one in Missouri and one in Texas. That is where everyone could come to celebrate with the Bride and Groom.
Our search began for a church. We Googled and found a pretty white church in Pilot Point, Texas. It was a Christian Church but our efforts proved fatal as we could not reach anyone that day. The next day, I got on the phone to the church of Christ preacher and asked him if he knew how we could contact someone at the Christian Church. Fortunately, he was good friends with a member there and the rest is history. We were able to use the building. We made this decision solely on the outside looks of the building. We assumed the inside would work. Later, Ms. Wood sent us pictures of the inside. It was perfect. We didn't even have to decorate.
Our next priority was a dress. Lavonne, Mindy and I went to Kansas City on Friday in search of the perfect dress. We went to about four stores and nothing was working. There were some pretty dresses, but to stay within my budget and what she wanted, we were not having much luck. We stopped at a place downtown not knowing we needed an appointment. But they allowed us to look anyway and Mindy found a dress she liked, but Lavonne and I both knew it was not the dress. Mindy then announced she would just have to come back later to Kansas City and look more. It was at that point that I lost it. Here I was sitting on a bench, beside my daughter's to be mother-in-law, blubbering! Mindy was wondering what was wrong with me and I told her I would be alright, knowing all along it was a lie! I was suppose to be with her when she found her dress!!! I was the mother of the Bride!
Mindy suggested we go to another place we had on our list, but my hopes were diminishing as it was getting close to 5:00 and this place was across town. On our way, we called to ask the times and they again said they worked with appointments. I explained that I was in town only that day and thank you. She asked me to hold and came back saying she would take us ~ they were open until 8 pm. My spirits soared. I knew this was it. We would find the dress or I would be greatly distressed!
The clerk was a great young lady. She asked Mindy a couple of questions and brought out her most popular dress. Mindy tried it on and it was pretty~ we all liked it. She then said to wait a minute, she had one other in mind. She came back with a two piece dress. First she put on the skirt. Then she started putting the top on Mindy and I could tell by her eyes, this was the dress! It was absolutely beautiful. She beamed as she looked in the mirror and it fit her like a glove! No alterations were needed. So.... how much? Because it was "off the rack", it was well under our limit!!!!! Thank you God! It was perfect.
We were well on our way to the perfect wedding. We had the place, the dress and knew who was marrying her (I mean the preacher!) and when. Now, there was only the smaller details to finish up. It was a great trip!!!
I will continue next week on the wedding itself.