Humberto did pass through but not as a tropical storm, as HURRICANE HUMBERTO. Just before landfall just east of High Island, Humberto strengthened to a category 1 hurricane. Imagine our surprise this morning to find that out. We are fine, no damage, no problems. Just lots of rain and wind last night which kept us from sleeping soundly, especially when our touch lamps come on when the electricity coughs! But we have never lost power completely. Jamie, who lives in Sour Lake, a mere 18 miles to the west of us barely had rain and hardly any wind. Speaking of Jamie............
..yesterday? Something has happened here beyond my explanation!

Ashton is such a beautiful, fun and loving child. She is so smart and can read like I don't know how to describe! She is gifted in arts as well. She would like to be an artist when she grows up. Ash and I went to Olive Garden on Monday evening to celebrate her birthday early. We had to go early because she wanted to experience the same as last year, just me and her going to Olive Garden. She would not hear of any others going with us. could this Piggy refuse!?! At Olive Garden she was working on the child's menu and doing a word find of Italian artist. We had fun with the names such as Bernini, Bottecello, Caravaggio. When we got back home, we went to the internet to look up these artists to see what they had painted. Some of them were scuptors and we had fun looking at their talents. Later Ashton told me she would marry someone with inini and then she would be Artist Berninini and be famous one day. You have to admit, the girl has dreams!!!!!
Hope you have a great day and enjoy the sunshine where you are. We are suppose to have sunshine later today, in fact it is clearing now and the brightening with each hour!