Here is the finished project.
The cutwork was scary to say the least.
As you can see in the border where the ties are in the middle of tied off strings. If you compare with the previous post, the area where there is blank white around the picture! Anyway, it was scary to actually cut threads of the project and pull them out and then tie off the remaining threads to make the open triangles. It will look really cool with a bright color (yellowish) coming through the cutwork.
Someone at work asked me why the alphabet and numbers on it. What is the significance? This is a sampler. Years ago, young, "proper" women would learn to stitch and sew. They made samplers with many different types of stitches. It was a test to see how well they had learned to stitch. They would use the alphabet and numbers and figures to show off their skill.
The gate was different in that you stitched over one stitch instead of two and it was so close.
Below, is a close up of the top portion. I love the way the project suddenly gets depth as you work the outlining. It is like a painting that suddenly pops and then you see the dimensions and feel a part of the painting. It is my way of doing art.
I still can't believe it is finished. After 12 years of working on this project, to have it finished, is......well let's just say I miss an ole friend!
It is now at the framer's, being framed. I said I was going to spend big bucks on having it framed and yes, I am spending big bucks! It cost a little more than I expected, but I think the finished product will be exquisite. It was hard to choose the frame, the mats, do I go with a filler or just the mats, do I go green or purple. I went with the green mat and gold colored mat under the green. The frame is really large and big and bold and beautiful. I don't like the gold glitzy type of frames but this comes close. It is rustic and compliments it very well. The purple mat looked very good with the finished project but the green did something made it pop. I love to look at how changing the mats can make a project look so different, in just a split second of changing them out. Color is an amazing gift of God's.
I really wish you could see the finished project in person instead of on line. It does not do it justice on here. I have taken some close ups of some of the areas but really you have to see the whole thing to really appreciate all the different stitches and colors and beads.
I had planned to hang it above my fireplace in the den, but I'm not so sure any more. It may be too big to fit there and it may be too far away -- too high up to really appreciate the work. So....I will have to play with it in several areas to see how it looks. When I get it hung and found just the right place for it, I will post a picture of it hanging and give you the full effect of it.
Again, if you are in my area of Southeast Texas, come on by and see it in person. It will be worth the trip!