Ashton, pictured here with her backpack, is starting first grade today.
Emma, pictured here, is starting kindergarten today.
The reason we went to Sour Lake today is that their dad is in boot camp in Ft. Knox, Kentucky and can't be there to take them their first day. So....we stepped in and helped mom get them to school and be there to take pictures of their first day.
It is so special to be part of this and get to be there for this special time in their lives. It is my job to relay all the details, fine details as best I an to their dad and send pictures for his enjoyment. He believes today and September 13th, Ashton's 7th birthday, will be two of the hardest days for him, while his is away. He wants to be there and would be, if he could.
Please pray of all of them and I will give a report tomorrow after I talk with Ashton and Emma this evening to find out how their first day of school went today. They were both excited and nervous and scared.....but ready to begin this new adventure.
I like how they see each year a new adventure. I wish I could see more of life as an adventure and be more engaged at times. I am working on doing this. Have a great day today, the first day of what ever event in your life!!!