Well, you all know I am from Texas and here is proof. Where else can you cut roses like these from your own backyard in December?
I tell you I cut these roses from my one and only rose bush this past week and have enjoyed the smell of fresh roses in my house all week........couple of weeks before Christmas!!!!
This is my favorite rose bush. Tollie and I had visited Tyler Rose Garden many years back and found this rose bush to be our favorite there. So, I bought one for myself and have had some pretty roses before, but none as pretty as this year, nor this late! It is a Heart o' Gold Rosebush and I love the roses and the smell. Hard to find a good rose that smells good now a days with so much of the propagating they do. So.....enjoy my rose. I certainly am enjoying it.
These are the same roses several days later and how full they are now. Still enjoying them.