Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Well, my parents are moved to Corsicana. It was a full week, full of packing, saying goodbyes and tears! But it was a good week. My parents have done really well. It was hard for them to say goodbye but I think they know in their hearts that it is for the best! They are safe and sound in my sister's house and starting to look at houses. They will probably have to buy a smaller home than they had, but I keep trying to tell my mom, why not? It will be less to keep clean!

Save for the four years in the army, my dad has spent all his life in Lubbock. He was born there, lived there for 84 years. That has to be hard. My mom was born in Oklahoma and raised in Pampa, Texas. She married my dad when she was just 15 years old and they moved to Lubbock shortly after that, (when he was released from the service). All their friends, the church, their lives have been in Lubbock. When my sister and I moved away, it was hard for them. Many of their friends have died and all the siblings have died, at least on my dad's side. So, there is not much left in Lubbock for them except for church family and they were always complaining about things there. I am praying they will be happy.

I want to be happy when I am older. My parents seem to complain about so many things and unhappy at times that I have made it my goal to be a happier older person. My friend, Mark's parents are so happy. I know he gets frustrated with them at times, but for the most part, they are happy. They attend Highland and were greeting last Sunday and just seem happy! I want to work on being happier and more positive. I tend to be like my mother and I am determined to change things.

Thanks to all for the prayers for my family and I ask that now the prayers be that they find a home very soon that will fit them and be financially workable for them.