Thursday, January 05, 2006


For the past two weeks or so I have been working on a work project. This work involves our side buisness, Memories In Motion. We do videography for weddings and such. Earlier in December we went to a club downtown and did a video of a band, Mid Life Crisis. My pervious boss plays lead singer in it and they are pretty good. They play Rock music mainly from the 60's and 70's. It is fun to listen to them. I have had several occasions to listen, back several years ago when they first started and would practice in the showroom of the dealership and later at a CASA event where they played.

Anyway, back to the finished story.......we did the video, Tollie running mostly the still camera and I doing the moving camera. We then took the two videos and using a program on the computer were able to edit the two together and make a "demo" video for the band. It is fun to do and I have done something similar with another project. But this was my first real try at this. Tollie has done several weddings and has a lot more practice at it. I did finish the video last night and we produced the DVD this morning and played it on the TV. I am taking it to work with me to give to Fred and I am anxious to see his reaction. I really like and think he will be pleased with it.

It is good to have finished a project and feel good about it. Lots of time you finish something and when you look back you think, "I should have done that or this to it." I really didn't have that feeling when I viewed the final project. So that makes it sweeter.

I am looking forward to the weekend. My baby girl, Mindy is coming home and will be here such a short time and then she leaves on Monday morning and heads back to Austin for a few days and then on the Kansas City. My baby living in Kansas City?!?!? Wow, what a change it will be.:) I am trying to smile the whole way, even though there are tears!

I am still on a roll with my resolve to help my health get better. Still can't say the words to you or anyone, yet. Maybe in time, but I still don't want to jinx anything. It is working and I am feeling good about it and doing it great! Thanks for your prayers for me in that.

I would like to ask for other prayers, mainly for our shepherds at church who are working on a vision statement. I was priviledged to work on the statement some on Tuesday night and I pray for God's guidance and wisdom as this develops. They are presenting it to the congregation on Sunday, the 15th. They need your prayers!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I have done my secret endeavor every day so far! Again, I can't tell you what that is, because I might jinx it, but I can tell you I enjoy it and was able to do what I needed to do without revealing to Tollie or anyone else what I was doing!

Why is it that when we have clandestine meetings and secrets we feel so powerful? I understand now how affairs can be so enticing:) Not that I am having an affair, mind you. I just have information that noone else has and it feels so powerful! It is like I am in control. But I really know that I am not! That is what is so funny about all this. I am no more in control than before I had this secret, it just feels like it. I have known for a while that perception is 90% of one's thinking.

No matter what the truth, if it is perceived, it is believed! My whole life involved perceiving that I had to get it right all the time, that believing the scriptures as a whole was dependent on my salvation. I perceived that salvation was dependent on what I did ~ not who He is and what He did! Therefore, everything I did had to be perfect, in order to be eligible for that salvation.

Now, I realize that scripture is scripture and not necessarily part of the good news. I read several other blogs, including Mike Cope, Patrick Mead and John Alan Turner. Lately, JAT with a title of "Light and Life" and Mead (with a title of "But Is It a Tree") have had some really insightful posts lately and have helped me come to some better perceptions. Also, Bible classes have helped in this as well.

I like learning and lately, seems I have found some interesting concepts and insights that are shaping my beliefs to what I perceive is more correct than what I had in the past.

Have a great week!!:)