Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Swollen but feeling okay

I woke up this morning with a tight jaw, tight cheek and tight neck. I am swollen from my dental surgery and it looks like Tollie slugged me in the jaw. But I feel okay. I was real tired yesterday but feeling much better today.

Thanks for the prayers for my recovery and the calls and well wishes. I have spent the last two days sitting in a chair, watching TV and cross stitching. Today, though I have to get the house ready for company.

I have company coming!!!! My best friend in all the world is coming to see me. They will be here this evening and I have to clean the bathrooms, clean the floors and get ready for them to be here. I have to work in the morning, ugh!!! But I have to go because I have not been in two weeks and I have to get some hours in so we can eat!!! But that will give them time to sleep in and take their time enjoying the quiet. Sometimes you just need to get to a new location and veg out. I hope they will enjoy that. I can see them now, sitting on the porch and enjoying the morning with their coffee and book. That's what they like.

I want to thank God for the good report my friend had from her biopsy. Everything was benign. No more surgery. That is a relief.

I hope to get back to blogging regularly and insightfully next week. My friends will leave Monday morning, Tollie will leave for Tyler Monday morning and I will be here all alone. That might be a blessing! So.....until next week have a great week and weekend. See you then.

Sunday, July 10, 2005


Well, we are back home from vacation. I want to tell you lots about our vacation but I don't want to dis Tennessee. However, we were very disappointed in Tennessee. We took the grandkids to the zoo and after paying an arm and a leg to get in, we found there were no girafees, the elephants had a sort of new home and you could not see them very well, the zebras and antelope were so far removed you could not see them. We did see lots of birds and some monkeys. It was a pretty walk through the one section where the bamboo was growing and the trees were thick, but that was about all the good we can say about the Nashville Zoo.

And then the hotel in Nashville was so tiny it was hard to fit four adults in much less two children to boot. But we made it through. We took the kids to the Adventure Science Center and it was great but there were so many kids there it became almost scary to try to keep up with our own. It was over stimulating. In fact, I noticed just before we left that Ashton, my oldest grand daughter was running from event to event without really stopping. It was like she was running on overload and didn't know how to stop. I began to notice as we were leaving that many of the other kids were doing the same thing.

The planaterium was okay but the video they showed was about light pollution, not about the stars. We went to see stars and astronomy, not astrology. So.....needless to say Nashville is not the place for us to vacation again.

We spent one night in Memphis and it was great. The hotel room, (same brand as in Nashville) was so roomy and spacious. It was great. I think if we ever go back that way, which we probably will since in-laws live in Kentucky, we will probably do Memphis and bypass staying in Nashville.

It was good to spend some time with the in-laws. They are trying to recoup and doing well considering the surgery Gene went through. But he has a long way to go. I think we need to go back sometime and help them clean out the yard, barn and garage and take away some of the things they no longer need. Another time we will do that.

Can you believe we were with our daughter, son-in-law and two grand children for a whole week and we came back in one piece and all were happy. I will say that by the end of the last day we were all tired. Afterall we had traveled from Memphis to Beaumont. We really made good time considering we did not leave Memphis until noon. We arrived in Beaumont, after leaving the kids off in Lumberton, about 11:00. So we really did well. It was a good vacation.

Considering gas prices rising as we traveled, a hurricane coming in where we had been and no money to really spend on vacation, we did really well.

I said earlier I would let you know how my challenge to not put my dental surgery on the credit card went. surgery is in the morning and I have no resources but the credit card. Unless God chooses to send me some money that I don't know about, I will be putting the cost on the credit card. If you read my blog you will see that two days before we left for vacation, we had to put the van in the shop and it cost about $900. Is it me or is it odd that the amount I was asking God to provide me with was the same as the cost of having the van fixed. Did I have a bad connection to heaven? Did God misunderstand my need and charged me the amount I was asking for?

Of course I am saying all this in jest and know quite well that God does provide and it will work out. Just not like I had hoped and not sure I understand what I am suppose to do with the challenge. But I still have a strong faith and I know that in the end, it will all work out. I just have to laugh sometimes to keep from crying.

This week will be good inspite of having dental surgery tomorrow. My best friend in all the world is coming to see me on Thursday. It will be a good week.