Sunday, June 12, 2005

Not much!

There is not much to write about this morning. I am getting ready for worship. I hate to say church. I think we have given the church a wrong impression to the outside world by calling worship services church. WE are the church, not the building, not the worship service. We are the church doing worship. But I believe the world believes the church is the building or organization where the worship takes place.

I have learned in the last couple of years that worship is not confined to what we do on Sunday mornings. This is the organized time for us to get together but our worship to God is what we do every minute of our lives. Sometimes it is worship to God and sometimes it is worship to our jobs, hobbies, sin, kids, another person, etc. worship is how we live and breathe and what we do every moment of our lives. Sunday morning is just our time to gather with other saints and share what our worship has been up to that time. So when I say I am going to worship, then I am wrong, also. What can we call Sunday morning? It is a worship time, but if I am worshipping all the time in what I do, then I need a different description for this time on Sunday morning. Maybe, just Sunday morning service.

Thanks for reading my ranting this morning. I am going to go get ready to go to meet with other saints and have a worship time at the building we own and see my brothers and sisters in Christ!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you that our worship lives, but also our service to our King.

How about we call the time on Sunday, Devoted worship time to God.

Still thinking!