Sunday, June 05, 2005

Vacation Plans

We are planning our vacation today. We are wanting to take a vacation with the kids, at least J & P and the piglets. We are going to sit down , decide dates, times, places to stop, when to leave and when to come home. We know we will be going to Kentucky for a few days and seeing Grandmother and Granddaddy. But other than that, we need to plan everything out. I think we will be spending some time in Nashville, at least that is what Paul wants to do. I have no problem with that, especially if they let me stop in Tusculoosa on the way and do some genealogy work. So.....we will plan later this afternoon.

We have had a great weekend with the girls. I get frustrated with myself as I tend to get impatient with them easily. I don't mean to get that way, but I find myself impatient with their demands. I am trying to remember if my girls were that demanding. Maybe they were and I just don't remember it. But I do think my piglets are too demanding sometimes. And the crying when things don't go their way! I am afraid that is becoming a habit. I am trying to break it real fast.

I am sleepy and will lie down for a few minutes.

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