I am currently reading a book to help me discover where my down spots are that hinder me from losing weight. According to the book, there is a line where we are above the line and happy. Coming down below the line causes us pain and unhappiness and that is when we go to external solutions, such as binging, drinking, really excess habit.
My biggest problem is finding when I am below the line. I think sometimes I am so caught up in my daily that I don't realize that I am below the line and it is really a long later that I see I was below the line.
Satan is crafty and fills my day with ho hum duties and discolors the truth so that I don't even realize what is happening.
Last night was an epiphany. I was laying there and realized that earlier in the day I had made a discovery quite by accident and it distressed me. I knew it distressed me but it was not until I was in bed, reading the book that I realized I had succumbed again to eating to mask over the distress I was feeling. Quite by quiet action I was hooked into an external solution without even consciously doing it. That is a scary thought. Doing something you don't intend to do.
Wow! I know how much I need to be conscious about what I do and why I do it.
At least I was eating Snack Well cookies so maybe they don't count as much as donuts?
I am praying for success in the actions that I hope to come about by acknowledging when I am below the line of happiness and using these external solutions to pacify my needs.
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