Saturday, December 30, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
And I don't mean that red kind that you put on French Fries!
I mean the kind where I give you more information than you ever wanted to know! I have not blogged in so long there is lots of information out there that you know nothing about.....and probably could go all your life and not care that you didn't know. But! I want you to know! So here goes!
My first catch up news is what is going to take place in the next two weeks. My parents, who live in Lubbock, are coming to see us! That is exciting and unusual. Unusual for several reasons. They have never liked that we live 10 to 12 hours away! My mother doesn't like Beaumont and they are getting on in years and their health is not real good right now, so this is monumental.
My dad had to have neck surgery in 2005 for a slipped disc. He had lost use of his right leg and could not feel anything with his hands. The docs told him they could not return his health but could help it not get any worse! Great news you don't want to hear! None the less, it has taken a long road to recovery and he is still working on it. He still walks with a walker, mainly for stability so he doesn't fall! The feeling in his hands is better and he can do for himself more than he was able to do. He is like the pink bunny, he just keeps on trekking and working on getting better.
My mom's health has not been great for many years. She has congestive heart failure and has been obese for most of her life. At least, as long as I can remember. The sad part is I am a lot like her. I am also obese and try to remind myself of her woes, but I still have trouble getting the weight off. Enough about me though. My mom had a set back when my dad had his neck surgery. While dad was in the hospital, we (my sister and I) had to put mom in the hospital as well, for anemia. She was on three different medications for her blood thinning and they got it so thin she was "bleeding out!" In other words, you could touch her arm and she would bruise. It was so bad, the ER doctor was mad at her doctors and said so! and they would not let her out of bed, even to pee because they said if she were to fall, she would die! It was pretty serious. In fact, the day before, she had passed out in dad's hospital room and was feeling so tired. We all chalked it up to stress, but found out we were all wrong!
The saddest part of this story is after I got mom home. I had to take my sister to Abilene so she could go home the day my mother was released from the hospital. I did not get to talk to the doctor so after we got home I was quizzing her on what the doctor said. They released her without giving her anything for the anemia and said to come back to see them in two months! What? No medication, no iron, no tests before then? What do you mean? I was livid. I called the doctor's office and had trouble talking to anyone. But I persued and finally talked with a nurse. When I explained it all, she understood my anger. Because I was leaving town over the weekend, she wasn't sure she could give me an answer. Fortunately, she called me back the same day and we had medication! I shudder to think had I not been there, what would have happened! My mother is from the generation that if the doctor does not say anything, you don't question it. He is the doctor afterall!!!!
The next saddest part to this whole story is that I had to come home. I was having company for Thanksgiving. May not seem important to you, but my potential new son-in-law and his mother were coming! I had to be home! So I left dad in rehab at the hospital. (And he didn't want to be there!) And left mom at home by herself, trying to get back to the hospital. Problem in that because of her heart condition, she can't walk a long way without shortness of breath. But they would not consider moving! In fact, my mother became quite depressed in the hospital because she was afraid they were going to have to move! They have no family left in Lubbock and they are alone, except for church family and friends. What do people do without church family?
Anyway, to finish up this post, my sister will fly from Dallas to Lubbock next week to drive mother and dad to Corsicana, where she lives. I will then drive from Beaumont to Corsicana and pick them up and bring them here for a week. There will be about three days where they will be here as well as Trent and Mindy. We will then all go back to Corsicana and my family will come back to Beaumont while I drive mother and dad back to Lubbock and hop on a plane home the next day! Whew! I am tired just thinking about it! But excited my parents are coming, they will get to meet Trent and sad at thinking this may well be the last time they will be in my home!
At least, they are talking of selling their house and moving to Corsicana. They will not look at houses in Corsicana until they sell their house. When they return in January, hopefully, they will put the house on the market. As I understand it, they are boxing up as they clean out and are making plans to move! That is encouraging. I never thought they would leave Lubbock. My dad was born there, I was born there and they have never talked of leaving. I think they know with their health and age (in their 80's) they really don't have many choices. This is the best.
So I ask that you pray for them. Pray for their health, pray for their safety and pray that their house sells quickly. While you are praying, add our visit on your list as I think things could become potentially sticky as we will be forced to discuss our church situation! More on that tomorrow!
I mean the kind where I give you more information than you ever wanted to know! I have not blogged in so long there is lots of information out there that you know nothing about.....and probably could go all your life and not care that you didn't know. But! I want you to know! So here goes!
My first catch up news is what is going to take place in the next two weeks. My parents, who live in Lubbock, are coming to see us! That is exciting and unusual. Unusual for several reasons. They have never liked that we live 10 to 12 hours away! My mother doesn't like Beaumont and they are getting on in years and their health is not real good right now, so this is monumental.
My dad had to have neck surgery in 2005 for a slipped disc. He had lost use of his right leg and could not feel anything with his hands. The docs told him they could not return his health but could help it not get any worse! Great news you don't want to hear! None the less, it has taken a long road to recovery and he is still working on it. He still walks with a walker, mainly for stability so he doesn't fall! The feeling in his hands is better and he can do for himself more than he was able to do. He is like the pink bunny, he just keeps on trekking and working on getting better.
My mom's health has not been great for many years. She has congestive heart failure and has been obese for most of her life. At least, as long as I can remember. The sad part is I am a lot like her. I am also obese and try to remind myself of her woes, but I still have trouble getting the weight off. Enough about me though. My mom had a set back when my dad had his neck surgery. While dad was in the hospital, we (my sister and I) had to put mom in the hospital as well, for anemia. She was on three different medications for her blood thinning and they got it so thin she was "bleeding out!" In other words, you could touch her arm and she would bruise. It was so bad, the ER doctor was mad at her doctors and said so! and they would not let her out of bed, even to pee because they said if she were to fall, she would die! It was pretty serious. In fact, the day before, she had passed out in dad's hospital room and was feeling so tired. We all chalked it up to stress, but found out we were all wrong!
The saddest part of this story is after I got mom home. I had to take my sister to Abilene so she could go home the day my mother was released from the hospital. I did not get to talk to the doctor so after we got home I was quizzing her on what the doctor said. They released her without giving her anything for the anemia and said to come back to see them in two months! What? No medication, no iron, no tests before then? What do you mean? I was livid. I called the doctor's office and had trouble talking to anyone. But I persued and finally talked with a nurse. When I explained it all, she understood my anger. Because I was leaving town over the weekend, she wasn't sure she could give me an answer. Fortunately, she called me back the same day and we had medication! I shudder to think had I not been there, what would have happened! My mother is from the generation that if the doctor does not say anything, you don't question it. He is the doctor afterall!!!!
The next saddest part to this whole story is that I had to come home. I was having company for Thanksgiving. May not seem important to you, but my potential new son-in-law and his mother were coming! I had to be home! So I left dad in rehab at the hospital. (And he didn't want to be there!) And left mom at home by herself, trying to get back to the hospital. Problem in that because of her heart condition, she can't walk a long way without shortness of breath. But they would not consider moving! In fact, my mother became quite depressed in the hospital because she was afraid they were going to have to move! They have no family left in Lubbock and they are alone, except for church family and friends. What do people do without church family?
Anyway, to finish up this post, my sister will fly from Dallas to Lubbock next week to drive mother and dad to Corsicana, where she lives. I will then drive from Beaumont to Corsicana and pick them up and bring them here for a week. There will be about three days where they will be here as well as Trent and Mindy. We will then all go back to Corsicana and my family will come back to Beaumont while I drive mother and dad back to Lubbock and hop on a plane home the next day! Whew! I am tired just thinking about it! But excited my parents are coming, they will get to meet Trent and sad at thinking this may well be the last time they will be in my home!
At least, they are talking of selling their house and moving to Corsicana. They will not look at houses in Corsicana until they sell their house. When they return in January, hopefully, they will put the house on the market. As I understand it, they are boxing up as they clean out and are making plans to move! That is encouraging. I never thought they would leave Lubbock. My dad was born there, I was born there and they have never talked of leaving. I think they know with their health and age (in their 80's) they really don't have many choices. This is the best.
So I ask that you pray for them. Pray for their health, pray for their safety and pray that their house sells quickly. While you are praying, add our visit on your list as I think things could become potentially sticky as we will be forced to discuss our church situation! More on that tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Pictures from Christmas 06
Merry Christmas!
We have had a great Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve with the kids, J & P and the grand babies! Only they are not babies any more!!!! Ashton and Emma were anxious to go home and get to bed! Wonder why?
We ate some snacks, watched Cars on TV, our free digital channel we get, but are not sure why we get it! We just enjoy it and don't ask questions! They left about 7:30 pm and Tollie and I enjoyed an evening by the fire!
Christmas morning brought early rising for us. Tollie and I both woke about 4 AM and not able to go back to sleep! I think we took too long a nap yesterday, but we laid and talked and then turned on the TV. We watched the large Baptist church's Christmas program which happened earlier in the month and they always televise on Christmas Eve. Anyway, we finally both went back to sleep and slept till 8:30. We got up, got dressed, exchanged presents. I must have been a good girl. I got a new set of earrings and necklace, in my birthstone! Tollie got a new tote for his expensive 3ccd camera.
We packed the car and were off to Sour Lake to be with the kids. We arrived to a house full of holiday smells. They had cooked the turkey all night. It looked great! We finished the preparations for lunch and enjoyed a great meal, together. Mindy called from Missouri and we enjoyed visiting with her while we ate. It was almost like having her there with us. Wish she could have been, with her new hubby, Trent. But they will be here in two and half weeks. We are anxious and excited about them coming!!!
We opened presents from the girls and the girls opened their presents from us and their parents. We laughed and enjoyed the time, taking pictures! Ashton got each of us a mug that said appropriately, "Sweetest Grandma", or "Greatest Grandpa", or The Best Mom", and "The Best Dad". She was so excited about giving us all our mug.
We then watched a movie, "The Invincible" about Vince Papali, football player. It was good. Dad and I then came home and I sat and got warm and drank hot chocolate and dad cleaned the computer room!
Tollie and I both are determined to clean each room of the house and purge old things that we don't need any longer. We have way too much stuff. So we are in the process.
Hope you had a Merry Christmas with family and enjoyed the quiet of the day, knowing all the while the glorious birth of our Savior!
We have had a great Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve with the kids, J & P and the grand babies! Only they are not babies any more!!!! Ashton and Emma were anxious to go home and get to bed! Wonder why?
We ate some snacks, watched Cars on TV, our free digital channel we get, but are not sure why we get it! We just enjoy it and don't ask questions! They left about 7:30 pm and Tollie and I enjoyed an evening by the fire!
Christmas morning brought early rising for us. Tollie and I both woke about 4 AM and not able to go back to sleep! I think we took too long a nap yesterday, but we laid and talked and then turned on the TV. We watched the large Baptist church's Christmas program which happened earlier in the month and they always televise on Christmas Eve. Anyway, we finally both went back to sleep and slept till 8:30. We got up, got dressed, exchanged presents. I must have been a good girl. I got a new set of earrings and necklace, in my birthstone! Tollie got a new tote for his expensive 3ccd camera.
We packed the car and were off to Sour Lake to be with the kids. We arrived to a house full of holiday smells. They had cooked the turkey all night. It looked great! We finished the preparations for lunch and enjoyed a great meal, together. Mindy called from Missouri and we enjoyed visiting with her while we ate. It was almost like having her there with us. Wish she could have been, with her new hubby, Trent. But they will be here in two and half weeks. We are anxious and excited about them coming!!!
We opened presents from the girls and the girls opened their presents from us and their parents. We laughed and enjoyed the time, taking pictures! Ashton got each of us a mug that said appropriately, "Sweetest Grandma", or "Greatest Grandpa", or The Best Mom", and "The Best Dad". She was so excited about giving us all our mug.
We then watched a movie, "The Invincible" about Vince Papali, football player. It was good. Dad and I then came home and I sat and got warm and drank hot chocolate and dad cleaned the computer room!
Tollie and I both are determined to clean each room of the house and purge old things that we don't need any longer. We have way too much stuff. So we are in the process.
Hope you had a Merry Christmas with family and enjoyed the quiet of the day, knowing all the while the glorious birth of our Savior!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Having Trouble with Pics
First, my apology is two posts down. It is done, it is published. I can move on now.
Then, here is a quick catch up on almost a year of happenings. When I last left you, back in March of last year, we were so happy that our daughter, Mindy had found happiness in Kansas City, doing her internship and that she would graduate from UT in May. Tollie and I planned a trip to Missouri in April so that we could spend some time with her and her beau, Trent. The plan was to go to Tyler for Tollie's usual monthly work run and then leave Tyler on Thursday and go to Missouri, staying until Monday and coming back then. It would be a short trip, but a good one.
We were happily surprised two weeks before our planned trip to have a phone call from Trent on April 7th, the day before Easter. Trent called to ask for Mindy's hand in marriage. Jamie was here that night and we were shouting and screaming and dancing around, so excited! Trent took Mindy the next day to a special place for them and proposed. She, of course, said yes and they planned to be married sometime in June.
This changed the whole reason for Tollie and I going to Missouri. Now we were on a mission, to make plans for the wedding that would take place in five weeks! That's right, they would be married on June 2nd. Since we had the date, we had to decide where, how it all happens and what to wear!
However......as we planned to leave on Tuesday.......
During the night, Tollie woke with his heart fluctuations. We went to the ER about 4 AM and there remained until Wednesday morning. It was so frustrating. Tollie thought we would go to the ER, they would give him medication and we would be on our way to Tyler. Tollie had a nightmare and when he woke up, his heart was doing its thing! He has atrial fibrillation and occasionally his heart gets out of sync. When this happens, they give him medication in the vein and it clears up almost immediately.
But this time, the ER doctor wanted him to have some tests. We told her this was not the first time and please call his cardiologist. On Tuesday afternoon, as we were still in the ER because they had no beds on the floor, we were told he was being admitted. When asked again, we were told his cardiologist was called. He was to have a cath the next day.
My heart began to fluctuate!!!! I figured our trip to Missouri was out. Tollie was put in a room
5:30 on Tuesday evening and I kept wondering where Dr. Brady was!!!! I went home to get a good night's sleep and got to the hospital early Wednesday morning. Our family doctor, Dr. Vardiman came by to check on Tollie and we told him we had not seen Dr. Brady yet and we had plans to go to Tyler and Missouri. I told him I thought it was caused by the nightmare (I had looked up on the internet about his condition and it stated that sometimes it can be caused by nightmares!) Dr. Vardiman agreed with me and he said he would sign him out! But.....he wanted us to see Dr. Brady before he left town.
The dear nurse, who could not believe we were leaving without tests, called Dr. Brady's office and they would see us as we left the hospital! Of course, we found out at the office that they never got the message Tollie was in the ER!!!!! ARGHHHHHH! Believe me, the next time I will call Dr. Brady's office myself and make sure he knows he is there! Dr. Brady had no problem with our traveling and scheduled a nuclear stress tests for later in the month! Yeah!!!!! we were on our way to Missouri by way of Tyler!
Our trip to Missouri was fruitful. Mindy knew she wanted to get married in North Texas. It would make it convenient for both sides of the family to travel, but not too far for anyone. They also decided to have only family, close family at the wedding. This was a big decision as that meant no close friends, no aunts, uncles or cousins. We would have two receptions, one in Missouri and one in Texas. That is where everyone could come to celebrate with the Bride and Groom.
Our search began for a church. We Googled and found a pretty white church in Pilot Point, Texas. It was a Christian Church but our efforts proved fatal as we could not reach anyone that day. The next day, I got on the phone to the church of Christ preacher and asked him if he knew how we could contact someone at the Christian Church. Fortunately, he was good friends with a member there and the rest is history. We were able to use the building. We made this decision solely on the outside looks of the building. We assumed the inside would work. Later, Ms. Wood sent us pictures of the inside. It was perfect. We didn't even have to decorate.
Our next priority was a dress. Lavonne, Mindy and I went to Kansas City on Friday in search of the perfect dress. We went to about four stores and nothing was working. There were some pretty dresses, but to stay within my budget and what she wanted, we were not having much luck. We stopped at a place downtown not knowing we needed an appointment. But they allowed us to look anyway and Mindy found a dress she liked, but Lavonne and I both knew it was not the dress. Mindy then announced she would just have to come back later to Kansas City and look more. It was at that point that I lost it. Here I was sitting on a bench, beside my daughter's to be mother-in-law, blubbering! Mindy was wondering what was wrong with me and I told her I would be alright, knowing all along it was a lie! I was suppose to be with her when she found her dress!!! I was the mother of the Bride!
Mindy suggested we go to another place we had on our list, but my hopes were diminishing as it was getting close to 5:00 and this place was across town. On our way, we called to ask the times and they again said they worked with appointments. I explained that I was in town only that day and thank you. She asked me to hold and came back saying she would take us ~ they were open until 8 pm. My spirits soared. I knew this was it. We would find the dress or I would be greatly distressed!
The clerk was a great young lady. She asked Mindy a couple of questions and brought out her most popular dress. Mindy tried it on and it was pretty~ we all liked it. She then said to wait a minute, she had one other in mind. She came back with a two piece dress. First she put on the skirt. Then she started putting the top on Mindy and I could tell by her eyes, this was the dress! It was absolutely beautiful. She beamed as she looked in the mirror and it fit her like a glove! No alterations were needed. So.... how much? Because it was "off the rack", it was well under our limit!!!!! Thank you God! It was perfect.
We were well on our way to the perfect wedding. We had the place, the dress and knew who was marrying her (I mean the preacher!) and when. Now, there was only the smaller details to finish up. It was a great trip!!!
I will continue next week on the wedding itself.
Then, here is a quick catch up on almost a year of happenings. When I last left you, back in March of last year, we were so happy that our daughter, Mindy had found happiness in Kansas City, doing her internship and that she would graduate from UT in May. Tollie and I planned a trip to Missouri in April so that we could spend some time with her and her beau, Trent. The plan was to go to Tyler for Tollie's usual monthly work run and then leave Tyler on Thursday and go to Missouri, staying until Monday and coming back then. It would be a short trip, but a good one.
We were happily surprised two weeks before our planned trip to have a phone call from Trent on April 7th, the day before Easter. Trent called to ask for Mindy's hand in marriage. Jamie was here that night and we were shouting and screaming and dancing around, so excited! Trent took Mindy the next day to a special place for them and proposed. She, of course, said yes and they planned to be married sometime in June.
This changed the whole reason for Tollie and I going to Missouri. Now we were on a mission, to make plans for the wedding that would take place in five weeks! That's right, they would be married on June 2nd. Since we had the date, we had to decide where, how it all happens and what to wear!
However......as we planned to leave on Tuesday.......
During the night, Tollie woke with his heart fluctuations. We went to the ER about 4 AM and there remained until Wednesday morning. It was so frustrating. Tollie thought we would go to the ER, they would give him medication and we would be on our way to Tyler. Tollie had a nightmare and when he woke up, his heart was doing its thing! He has atrial fibrillation and occasionally his heart gets out of sync. When this happens, they give him medication in the vein and it clears up almost immediately.
But this time, the ER doctor wanted him to have some tests. We told her this was not the first time and please call his cardiologist. On Tuesday afternoon, as we were still in the ER because they had no beds on the floor, we were told he was being admitted. When asked again, we were told his cardiologist was called. He was to have a cath the next day.
My heart began to fluctuate!!!! I figured our trip to Missouri was out. Tollie was put in a room
5:30 on Tuesday evening and I kept wondering where Dr. Brady was!!!! I went home to get a good night's sleep and got to the hospital early Wednesday morning. Our family doctor, Dr. Vardiman came by to check on Tollie and we told him we had not seen Dr. Brady yet and we had plans to go to Tyler and Missouri. I told him I thought it was caused by the nightmare (I had looked up on the internet about his condition and it stated that sometimes it can be caused by nightmares!) Dr. Vardiman agreed with me and he said he would sign him out! But.....he wanted us to see Dr. Brady before he left town.
The dear nurse, who could not believe we were leaving without tests, called Dr. Brady's office and they would see us as we left the hospital! Of course, we found out at the office that they never got the message Tollie was in the ER!!!!! ARGHHHHHH! Believe me, the next time I will call Dr. Brady's office myself and make sure he knows he is there! Dr. Brady had no problem with our traveling and scheduled a nuclear stress tests for later in the month! Yeah!!!!! we were on our way to Missouri by way of Tyler!
Our trip to Missouri was fruitful. Mindy knew she wanted to get married in North Texas. It would make it convenient for both sides of the family to travel, but not too far for anyone. They also decided to have only family, close family at the wedding. This was a big decision as that meant no close friends, no aunts, uncles or cousins. We would have two receptions, one in Missouri and one in Texas. That is where everyone could come to celebrate with the Bride and Groom.
Our search began for a church. We Googled and found a pretty white church in Pilot Point, Texas. It was a Christian Church but our efforts proved fatal as we could not reach anyone that day. The next day, I got on the phone to the church of Christ preacher and asked him if he knew how we could contact someone at the Christian Church. Fortunately, he was good friends with a member there and the rest is history. We were able to use the building. We made this decision solely on the outside looks of the building. We assumed the inside would work. Later, Ms. Wood sent us pictures of the inside. It was perfect. We didn't even have to decorate.
Our next priority was a dress. Lavonne, Mindy and I went to Kansas City on Friday in search of the perfect dress. We went to about four stores and nothing was working. There were some pretty dresses, but to stay within my budget and what she wanted, we were not having much luck. We stopped at a place downtown not knowing we needed an appointment. But they allowed us to look anyway and Mindy found a dress she liked, but Lavonne and I both knew it was not the dress. Mindy then announced she would just have to come back later to Kansas City and look more. It was at that point that I lost it. Here I was sitting on a bench, beside my daughter's to be mother-in-law, blubbering! Mindy was wondering what was wrong with me and I told her I would be alright, knowing all along it was a lie! I was suppose to be with her when she found her dress!!! I was the mother of the Bride!
Mindy suggested we go to another place we had on our list, but my hopes were diminishing as it was getting close to 5:00 and this place was across town. On our way, we called to ask the times and they again said they worked with appointments. I explained that I was in town only that day and thank you. She asked me to hold and came back saying she would take us ~ they were open until 8 pm. My spirits soared. I knew this was it. We would find the dress or I would be greatly distressed!
The clerk was a great young lady. She asked Mindy a couple of questions and brought out her most popular dress. Mindy tried it on and it was pretty~ we all liked it. She then said to wait a minute, she had one other in mind. She came back with a two piece dress. First she put on the skirt. Then she started putting the top on Mindy and I could tell by her eyes, this was the dress! It was absolutely beautiful. She beamed as she looked in the mirror and it fit her like a glove! No alterations were needed. So.... how much? Because it was "off the rack", it was well under our limit!!!!! Thank you God! It was perfect.
We were well on our way to the perfect wedding. We had the place, the dress and knew who was marrying her (I mean the preacher!) and when. Now, there was only the smaller details to finish up. It was a great trip!!!
I will continue next week on the wedding itself.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
It has been almost a year since I have posted to this blog. I have thought about blogging again, but what really pushed me today is that I have received posts on my blog, even without blogging!
So.....I decided it is time to start posting again. Hope you all out there will enjoy reading about my life, my troubles, my hopes, my dreams and my happiness. The first thing I will do.....tomorrow....is to post some pictures of my daughter at her wedding last June. Yep, Trent and Mindy got married in June. We had a whirlwind time but lots of fun. I will tell you all about it. It was great having that to do and enjoy after what Rita did to us in 2005.
Right now though, I have to get to the store. I am working part time, more part time than I use to and I have to go to work at 1:00. So any shopping I need to do has to be done in the morning.
BTW, I will post my apology this week as well! That is of necessity for myself. See you guys! and thanks for stopping by!
So.....I decided it is time to start posting again. Hope you all out there will enjoy reading about my life, my troubles, my hopes, my dreams and my happiness. The first thing I will do.....tomorrow....is to post some pictures of my daughter at her wedding last June. Yep, Trent and Mindy got married in June. We had a whirlwind time but lots of fun. I will tell you all about it. It was great having that to do and enjoy after what Rita did to us in 2005.
Right now though, I have to get to the store. I am working part time, more part time than I use to and I have to go to work at 1:00. So any shopping I need to do has to be done in the morning.
BTW, I will post my apology this week as well! That is of necessity for myself. See you guys! and thanks for stopping by!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Before I even begin reading the blogs today, I determined I would blog.
It has been awhile and I keep meaning to write my apology. I have started the draft for that and will post it one day! Until then, I will update a little.
I am working full time right now. The person who took my place when I retired, quit. She didn't give two weeks notice and because of that, I stepped in. It has been very draining. I like the work, but it has been almost two years since I worked the job and now I have to think so much and stand on my feet for most of the day. I am just not use to that. I am working there in parts three days a week and still doing my other job for the other two days. It will come in handy when we need the money, but I really don't like working full time.
I think I am lazy at heart! Well, I guess it really is not lazy because there are so many things I like to do and keep busy. But I just like my own time and use of that time. I think that has more to do with it. I want to do what I want to do when I want to do it. Do I sound like Paul in the NT or what. Anyway, I have so many projects going and started and needed to be started. It is my goal to finish two big projects this year. I have started a sampler with cross stitch with peacocks that I have been working off and on for now about five years. I need to finish it! And then I have also started a bluebonnet quilt. It shouldn't take that long to get finished putting together. But it will take a while for the quilting, so I need to get going on it. But then there are a few other projects I have going and need to finish first.
We also have a craft show for the Russia missions and I need to get going on planning and working that. I have several projects for that to work on. So, you can see that working full time really crimps my style in doing what I want to do.
I hope you have a great week and get to do what you want to do!
It has been awhile and I keep meaning to write my apology. I have started the draft for that and will post it one day! Until then, I will update a little.
I am working full time right now. The person who took my place when I retired, quit. She didn't give two weeks notice and because of that, I stepped in. It has been very draining. I like the work, but it has been almost two years since I worked the job and now I have to think so much and stand on my feet for most of the day. I am just not use to that. I am working there in parts three days a week and still doing my other job for the other two days. It will come in handy when we need the money, but I really don't like working full time.
I think I am lazy at heart! Well, I guess it really is not lazy because there are so many things I like to do and keep busy. But I just like my own time and use of that time. I think that has more to do with it. I want to do what I want to do when I want to do it. Do I sound like Paul in the NT or what. Anyway, I have so many projects going and started and needed to be started. It is my goal to finish two big projects this year. I have started a sampler with cross stitch with peacocks that I have been working off and on for now about five years. I need to finish it! And then I have also started a bluebonnet quilt. It shouldn't take that long to get finished putting together. But it will take a while for the quilting, so I need to get going on it. But then there are a few other projects I have going and need to finish first.
We also have a craft show for the Russia missions and I need to get going on planning and working that. I have several projects for that to work on. So, you can see that working full time really crimps my style in doing what I want to do.
I hope you have a great week and get to do what you want to do!
Monday, February 27, 2006
This is my apology. I apologize to my husband for not being the person he married!
Now, that may seem a little strange to some of you. I have been married to the greatest husband a wife would ever hope for. We have been married for 36 years. My love today is more tender and deeper than all those years ago.
I am not the person he married both physically, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually and any other way I could not think of. I don't think I am suppose to be! But.......my apology comes mainly from the physical standpoint.
You see, I was a young, slender, long blonde haired beauty to my prince charming. Life has a way of changing all this over time. Having babies can change a woman's body to proportions she never dreamed were possible! Three pregnancies with two resulting children can do things, both physically and emotionally to scar and weigh up on a person. That is where my apology lies.
I apologize to Tollie for not being the physical beauty he married! I have allowed my laziness and control issues and fneed to comfort with food to disrupt my ability to stay physically attractive! I have done this. I am the one responsible for not walking, not exercising, not watching what I eat, but eating whatever I want and watching it too closely! I am the one who has decided everyday that I get up to eat and eat and eat.
I am trying to change this. As Dr. Laura would say, no don't try, just do it! So....I will do it! I am being conscious of everything that goes into my mouth and making decisions, better decisions, I hope. Again, I am trying to be realistic and eat some of the things I like, but not all the time. We will see where this gets me and who is really in control ~ me or food!
But there you have my apology. Since I have not written a blog in so long, I am not sure if and when Tollie will see this. But that is okay. It was more for me than for him. I needed to say it and I think he will want to hear it. So.....stay tuned!
Now, that may seem a little strange to some of you. I have been married to the greatest husband a wife would ever hope for. We have been married for 36 years. My love today is more tender and deeper than all those years ago.
I am not the person he married both physically, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually and any other way I could not think of. I don't think I am suppose to be! But.......my apology comes mainly from the physical standpoint.
You see, I was a young, slender, long blonde haired beauty to my prince charming. Life has a way of changing all this over time. Having babies can change a woman's body to proportions she never dreamed were possible! Three pregnancies with two resulting children can do things, both physically and emotionally to scar and weigh up on a person. That is where my apology lies.
I apologize to Tollie for not being the physical beauty he married! I have allowed my laziness and control issues and fneed to comfort with food to disrupt my ability to stay physically attractive! I have done this. I am the one responsible for not walking, not exercising, not watching what I eat, but eating whatever I want and watching it too closely! I am the one who has decided everyday that I get up to eat and eat and eat.
I am trying to change this. As Dr. Laura would say, no don't try, just do it! So....I will do it! I am being conscious of everything that goes into my mouth and making decisions, better decisions, I hope. Again, I am trying to be realistic and eat some of the things I like, but not all the time. We will see where this gets me and who is really in control ~ me or food!
But there you have my apology. Since I have not written a blog in so long, I am not sure if and when Tollie will see this. But that is okay. It was more for me than for him. I needed to say it and I think he will want to hear it. So.....stay tuned!
Friday, February 24, 2006
My last post was shocked to see that February is already here and now I am writing a post at the end of February?!? Where did it go? I am going to lunge in and out of here for today. I have to catch up and my life is going to get crazy in the next few weeks.
I have a few request! Please pray for a young married couple whom we are mentoring. They are in the depths of misery at this time and need prayers for prayer warriors. God knows them and their needs and names are unneccesary. Just pray for a young couple we know.
Secondly, please pray for me in the next few weeks. The parts manager who took my place several years ago, quit. The biggest problem is that she quit when her boss just had a brain tumor removed and then had another surgery last week to repair some nerve damage. It was not very kind of her to put all this on him when he is home recuperating. So.....that means I am filling in until a replacement can be found. Also, pray that a replacement has been found. I gave a name, called a friend and she responded with an interview. It may all work out very well and then I will be training her rather than working. But she will have to give two weeks notice and I will be working some then.
Thirdly, pray for my next post. I had stated in my last post that I would write an apology. I am now wondering if I have not posted because of that statement! I think there is an underlying fear of that post. But I will push forward.
Have a great weekend. It is suppose to be rainy all day and it is already overcast and cloudy.
I have a few request! Please pray for a young married couple whom we are mentoring. They are in the depths of misery at this time and need prayers for prayer warriors. God knows them and their needs and names are unneccesary. Just pray for a young couple we know.
Secondly, please pray for me in the next few weeks. The parts manager who took my place several years ago, quit. The biggest problem is that she quit when her boss just had a brain tumor removed and then had another surgery last week to repair some nerve damage. It was not very kind of her to put all this on him when he is home recuperating. So.....that means I am filling in until a replacement can be found. Also, pray that a replacement has been found. I gave a name, called a friend and she responded with an interview. It may all work out very well and then I will be training her rather than working. But she will have to give two weeks notice and I will be working some then.
Thirdly, pray for my next post. I had stated in my last post that I would write an apology. I am now wondering if I have not posted because of that statement! I think there is an underlying fear of that post. But I will push forward.
Have a great weekend. It is suppose to be rainy all day and it is already overcast and cloudy.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
February is already here? What happened to January? Where did it go? It seems just yesterday it was the 1st of the New Year and we are already one month down. I have heard that when you age, time flies. I guess you know I am aging!!!!
This will be a busy weekend for my family. My sister and her husband are coming as I posted earlier in the week. Then Mindy decided to come home as well. Her Valetine's gift from her beau was a plane ticket and Continental had a special this weekend. So.......she is coming home as well.
Saturday will be a busy day. Someone has to go to Houston to get Mindy by about 1:30 pm. The Arbonne party, (if there are any coming!) starts at 3:30 pm. We will have a family meal on Saturday night. Sunday proves to be even busier when we have practice right after services. We will run to get something to eat and I am hoping that T & C will stay to see the play practice. Then we will have a family super bowl party that night.
I plan to fix some fun things to eat on Friday. Like hot wings, broccoli/corn muffins, cheese straws, trail mix, popcorn, fresh veggies. We will have a good time. The little ones will spend the night with us on Sunday night and stay home with us Monday. Mindy wants to keep them and they will miss their daycare that day. It will be fun. I am hoping it will be pretty so we can get out and play outside or go to the park. I think Mindy will go with us to our dance lesson on Monday night and that will be fun as well.
Then Tuesday, I will take Mindy back to Houston. It will be a full but fun weekend. I always like having my familiy around me. It is comforting to me. Can be tiring but always a good tired.
I need to go do my routine today. I will do it! I have not done it all the way through in several days. I just can't seem to get back to it. I keep trying to figure out why and other than being sick last week, I just don't want to. I think being sick caused me to miss some days and that always starts the downward spiral of not doing it. So.......I will go do my routine today. I hope to get in the same amount of time I ususally do and then some.
I have been reading several blogs of late that are discussing some deep theological issues. I am enjoying them, but at the same time realizing how uneducated I really am.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the super bowl. I really don't care a thing about it, but it is a tradition. I have no desire to watch it if the Cowboys aren't playing and lately I am not even sure I would watch it if they were. But we will play and have some fun anyway. I won't be blogging for several days, since I will be busy.
My next post will be an apology. I have been forming this in my mind for several days now.
This will be a busy weekend for my family. My sister and her husband are coming as I posted earlier in the week. Then Mindy decided to come home as well. Her Valetine's gift from her beau was a plane ticket and Continental had a special this weekend. So.......she is coming home as well.
Saturday will be a busy day. Someone has to go to Houston to get Mindy by about 1:30 pm. The Arbonne party, (if there are any coming!) starts at 3:30 pm. We will have a family meal on Saturday night. Sunday proves to be even busier when we have practice right after services. We will run to get something to eat and I am hoping that T & C will stay to see the play practice. Then we will have a family super bowl party that night.
I plan to fix some fun things to eat on Friday. Like hot wings, broccoli/corn muffins, cheese straws, trail mix, popcorn, fresh veggies. We will have a good time. The little ones will spend the night with us on Sunday night and stay home with us Monday. Mindy wants to keep them and they will miss their daycare that day. It will be fun. I am hoping it will be pretty so we can get out and play outside or go to the park. I think Mindy will go with us to our dance lesson on Monday night and that will be fun as well.
Then Tuesday, I will take Mindy back to Houston. It will be a full but fun weekend. I always like having my familiy around me. It is comforting to me. Can be tiring but always a good tired.
I need to go do my routine today. I will do it! I have not done it all the way through in several days. I just can't seem to get back to it. I keep trying to figure out why and other than being sick last week, I just don't want to. I think being sick caused me to miss some days and that always starts the downward spiral of not doing it. So.......I will go do my routine today. I hope to get in the same amount of time I ususally do and then some.
I have been reading several blogs of late that are discussing some deep theological issues. I am enjoying them, but at the same time realizing how uneducated I really am.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the super bowl. I really don't care a thing about it, but it is a tradition. I have no desire to watch it if the Cowboys aren't playing and lately I am not even sure I would watch it if they were. But we will play and have some fun anyway. I won't be blogging for several days, since I will be busy.
My next post will be an apology. I have been forming this in my mind for several days now.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
I haven't blogged in a while. I have been sick. I started last week with a cough and then had a major head cold. Friday and Saturday I was aching and just didn't feel good. I realized on Sunday how bad I felt Saturday! It was good to just sit and not do much of anything on Saturday.
Sunday was full and I had practice for the dinner theater. I know my lines! That is a good feeling. Now we just have to get everyone else there and start really acting off of each other. I think it will be fun.
My sister and her husband are coming this weekend. It will be a fun weekend. I dread the party, mainly because I have asked a lot of people but you never know who will come and how much good it will do. My sister is now selling a line of products by Arbonne. Since they are virtually homeless and jobless, she is hoping to get this going and not have to find a job in Corsicana. I am willing to help her as much as I can, but I did tell her not to ask me to sell the stuff. I am not a sales person. I have tried several other times in my life and I just know I am not a sales person. I don't like it and I am not good at it. She said she would not ask me. Of course, she did ask me to be thinking of someone at the party who might be interested!!!
Mindy is doing well in Kansas City. My baby is all the way in Kansas City and I miss her! She loves what she is doing at the internship. I keep trying to call it a job but refuse since she doesn't get paid for it. I haven't talked to her this week but I hope she enjoyed her weekend. She and Trent were going to try to make more time for them this weekend and enjoy each other's company more. They have both been very busy since she moved there. She is flying home the end of February for her Valentine's gift for Trent. I told him to "send her home while he can." Sort of tongue in cheek humor there! (Us mother's are getting a little anxious here, waiting and wanting to know what is going on!)
Jamie and her brood seem to be doing well. The girls are so fun. I had to hold both girls on my lap during services Sunday. I had been holding Ashton and we had been cuddling. It was nice and I was enjoying it. Then Emma noticed she was being left out and had to get in on the action. So I held them both and cuddled them both. They are so fun! I am so thankful that they are here.
Have I mentioned that I prayed for three years to be closer to my grandchildren? I really thought Tollie and I would be the ones to move, but my children moved here! What a surprise and what a joy! Thank you, Lord again for this wonderful joy you brought to my life.
Gotta run and go to work. Today is Tuesday and a work day. I think I will be busy. It looked like there were projects on my desk last night.
BTW, last night, we did learn to waltz. It was great! Tollie had some trouble with his footing at times and stepped on my toes a lot, but it was fun. We did real good with the Foxtrot and although we forgot somewhat how to do the Cha Cha, we learned it back real quick. The hour went by so fast. I wondered if that meant we were doing better!?! Seemed to be a lot of fun and energy is sure spent. I was so hungry when we got home! That is good though and I really enjoy it. Now we are trying to figure out what we can do to continue this after the lessons.
Have a great week!
Sunday was full and I had practice for the dinner theater. I know my lines! That is a good feeling. Now we just have to get everyone else there and start really acting off of each other. I think it will be fun.
My sister and her husband are coming this weekend. It will be a fun weekend. I dread the party, mainly because I have asked a lot of people but you never know who will come and how much good it will do. My sister is now selling a line of products by Arbonne. Since they are virtually homeless and jobless, she is hoping to get this going and not have to find a job in Corsicana. I am willing to help her as much as I can, but I did tell her not to ask me to sell the stuff. I am not a sales person. I have tried several other times in my life and I just know I am not a sales person. I don't like it and I am not good at it. She said she would not ask me. Of course, she did ask me to be thinking of someone at the party who might be interested!!!
Mindy is doing well in Kansas City. My baby is all the way in Kansas City and I miss her! She loves what she is doing at the internship. I keep trying to call it a job but refuse since she doesn't get paid for it. I haven't talked to her this week but I hope she enjoyed her weekend. She and Trent were going to try to make more time for them this weekend and enjoy each other's company more. They have both been very busy since she moved there. She is flying home the end of February for her Valentine's gift for Trent. I told him to "send her home while he can." Sort of tongue in cheek humor there! (Us mother's are getting a little anxious here, waiting and wanting to know what is going on!)
Jamie and her brood seem to be doing well. The girls are so fun. I had to hold both girls on my lap during services Sunday. I had been holding Ashton and we had been cuddling. It was nice and I was enjoying it. Then Emma noticed she was being left out and had to get in on the action. So I held them both and cuddled them both. They are so fun! I am so thankful that they are here.
Have I mentioned that I prayed for three years to be closer to my grandchildren? I really thought Tollie and I would be the ones to move, but my children moved here! What a surprise and what a joy! Thank you, Lord again for this wonderful joy you brought to my life.
Gotta run and go to work. Today is Tuesday and a work day. I think I will be busy. It looked like there were projects on my desk last night.
BTW, last night, we did learn to waltz. It was great! Tollie had some trouble with his footing at times and stepped on my toes a lot, but it was fun. We did real good with the Foxtrot and although we forgot somewhat how to do the Cha Cha, we learned it back real quick. The hour went by so fast. I wondered if that meant we were doing better!?! Seemed to be a lot of fun and energy is sure spent. I was so hungry when we got home! That is good though and I really enjoy it. Now we are trying to figure out what we can do to continue this after the lessons.
Have a great week!
Friday, January 27, 2006
I received an e-mail the other day and was so excited about the possibilities! Then later, I received another e-mail and realized I had made some assumptions about the first one that were not there. Boy! I hate that! Talk about disappointment! Oh, well.
My former boss, Fred, had a 10 1/2 hour surgery yesterday for his brain tumor. Wow! Can you imagine. It turned out he had two tumors! The e-mail I received concerning this stated that the disappointment for them was that they had to sever the facial nerve. That does not sound like great news. It also stated that they would implement several things to help compensate for this, so I am not sure what the outcome of that will be.
I realize how blessed we are health wise. Our friends from Argentina were here and he has cancer and now Fred and his brain tumor and Tollie's dad and his brain tumor and my dad and his neck surgery and my mom's health is not great. Whew! It seems like every where we turn we are facing huge medical crisis. Please continue to pray for all these people who are important in our lives.
I want to be a strong influence for Christ at work and it is at times like this that I think I can be. Most of our co-workers are Catholic and for our openness about Christianity, they depend on us for prayer. When I told Fred I would be praying for him, he stated that he was glad since he knew I had an open door for that! I was stunned by his comment. I know they see as "religious" but I want more than that. So please pray for these people and for us to have influence on them for Christ.
I got to get well so I can get back to my routine. I did not feel like doing anything today. I have sat here at the computer, took a long nap, slept in this morning and virtually done nothing. I watched a little television and now I am so disappointed in the subject matter of Brokeback Mountain. I had heard it was a love story. Just didn't know for sure that it was until today! A love story between two men! Ugh!!!!! It is moving more and more toward acceptance of homosexuality and we are being forced to accept it.
I accept the people where they are, but when they continue to choose to practice this lifestyle, then I have a problem. You will have a hard time convincing me it is natural. God had a plan and I believe his plan was for one man and one woman. That is the "natural" way. Otherwise, there would be no procreation in this world. Some things cannot be explained away by what we want, not matter how we try.
God help us understand how to deal with this to bring about resolution and not anger. I fear the impact this is having in our own families and lives.
Here is a link I found interesting:
My former boss, Fred, had a 10 1/2 hour surgery yesterday for his brain tumor. Wow! Can you imagine. It turned out he had two tumors! The e-mail I received concerning this stated that the disappointment for them was that they had to sever the facial nerve. That does not sound like great news. It also stated that they would implement several things to help compensate for this, so I am not sure what the outcome of that will be.
I realize how blessed we are health wise. Our friends from Argentina were here and he has cancer and now Fred and his brain tumor and Tollie's dad and his brain tumor and my dad and his neck surgery and my mom's health is not great. Whew! It seems like every where we turn we are facing huge medical crisis. Please continue to pray for all these people who are important in our lives.
I want to be a strong influence for Christ at work and it is at times like this that I think I can be. Most of our co-workers are Catholic and for our openness about Christianity, they depend on us for prayer. When I told Fred I would be praying for him, he stated that he was glad since he knew I had an open door for that! I was stunned by his comment. I know they see as "religious" but I want more than that. So please pray for these people and for us to have influence on them for Christ.
I got to get well so I can get back to my routine. I did not feel like doing anything today. I have sat here at the computer, took a long nap, slept in this morning and virtually done nothing. I watched a little television and now I am so disappointed in the subject matter of Brokeback Mountain. I had heard it was a love story. Just didn't know for sure that it was until today! A love story between two men! Ugh!!!!! It is moving more and more toward acceptance of homosexuality and we are being forced to accept it.
I accept the people where they are, but when they continue to choose to practice this lifestyle, then I have a problem. You will have a hard time convincing me it is natural. God had a plan and I believe his plan was for one man and one woman. That is the "natural" way. Otherwise, there would be no procreation in this world. Some things cannot be explained away by what we want, not matter how we try.
God help us understand how to deal with this to bring about resolution and not anger. I fear the impact this is having in our own families and lives.
Here is a link I found interesting:
Thursday, January 26, 2006
We had our third dance lesson on Monday night and wow. We learned the foxtrot first and have done okay with it. But Monday we learned the Cha Cha and I can honestly say we were the star students of that class!
Tollie really got into it and as our instructor says, the men have to lead. It may be the one last chance for men to lead and get their glory! I know that the more confidence he has in leading the dance, the easier it is for me to follow that lead.
When we danced the foxtrot we have several hindrances. One is the confidence I mentioned and secondly, our heights. Tollie is 6' 1" and I am about 5' 2". When our instructor told the ladies to look over your partners shoulder, I laughed and asked for a stool! I have to look at Tollie's shirt pocket the whole time! The other problem is the length of the legs. In other things we do, like walking, I take about three steps to his one! When he takes off dancing I either take several steps or stretch a lot and get caught up in his feet! Needless to say the foxtrot is tolerated but not our favorite dance so far.
But......the Cha Cha was so much fun. We only hold hands and I can circle and we can do dips together! It is great and not dependent on our height, but our endurance. Sadly, I lack somewhat there. My tougue was hanging out and I was breathless during that dance. But I love it. It is great exercise!
We have not had time to practice since the class but hope to do some practice of it before our next class. We have to get some good music for it, though.
We had a great weekend. Alberto and Jane Pata were here for Buenos Aires and stayed with us. These two are some of the mostly Godly and humble people I have ever met. We have known the Pata's for about 20 years and our friendship just keeps growing. Please pray for Alberto. Alberto has cancer. It started out in the prostate and has metastisized and he now has cancer in his bones. It has some back pain and shoulder pain. Although he is doing really well, the prognosis is not great.
But we know that our Lord can heal him and we ask that you join us in this prayer for this wonderful couple who is working hard and long to bring the gospel to the lost in Buenos Aires.
Today, I keep thinking of my previous boss and his wife. My heart goes out to Debbie. She is waiting to hear on Fred's surgery. Fred is in surgery as I type this for a brain tumor. The surgery could last up to eight hours. That is a long time to wait. I think I would rather be in surgery than waiting for my loved one to come out of surgery! There is belief that the tumor is benign and he should do well. Please pray for Fred and Debbie and all their family.
I have done well with my health routine. Although this week I have been under the weather and yesterday just did not do it and then today was feeling bad. But tomorrow, I will get back on that "Horse" and go again. Between the routine and the dance lessons, I should be in better shape before long.
Tollie really got into it and as our instructor says, the men have to lead. It may be the one last chance for men to lead and get their glory! I know that the more confidence he has in leading the dance, the easier it is for me to follow that lead.
When we danced the foxtrot we have several hindrances. One is the confidence I mentioned and secondly, our heights. Tollie is 6' 1" and I am about 5' 2". When our instructor told the ladies to look over your partners shoulder, I laughed and asked for a stool! I have to look at Tollie's shirt pocket the whole time! The other problem is the length of the legs. In other things we do, like walking, I take about three steps to his one! When he takes off dancing I either take several steps or stretch a lot and get caught up in his feet! Needless to say the foxtrot is tolerated but not our favorite dance so far.
But......the Cha Cha was so much fun. We only hold hands and I can circle and we can do dips together! It is great and not dependent on our height, but our endurance. Sadly, I lack somewhat there. My tougue was hanging out and I was breathless during that dance. But I love it. It is great exercise!
We have not had time to practice since the class but hope to do some practice of it before our next class. We have to get some good music for it, though.
We had a great weekend. Alberto and Jane Pata were here for Buenos Aires and stayed with us. These two are some of the mostly Godly and humble people I have ever met. We have known the Pata's for about 20 years and our friendship just keeps growing. Please pray for Alberto. Alberto has cancer. It started out in the prostate and has metastisized and he now has cancer in his bones. It has some back pain and shoulder pain. Although he is doing really well, the prognosis is not great.
But we know that our Lord can heal him and we ask that you join us in this prayer for this wonderful couple who is working hard and long to bring the gospel to the lost in Buenos Aires.
Today, I keep thinking of my previous boss and his wife. My heart goes out to Debbie. She is waiting to hear on Fred's surgery. Fred is in surgery as I type this for a brain tumor. The surgery could last up to eight hours. That is a long time to wait. I think I would rather be in surgery than waiting for my loved one to come out of surgery! There is belief that the tumor is benign and he should do well. Please pray for Fred and Debbie and all their family.
I have done well with my health routine. Although this week I have been under the weather and yesterday just did not do it and then today was feeling bad. But tomorrow, I will get back on that "Horse" and go again. Between the routine and the dance lessons, I should be in better shape before long.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Tollie is in Tyler. I don't want to do anything! I think I am depressed. I told him to night on the phone that from here on out, I want to go with him. I woul only miss a day for work. That wouldn't be too bad. I just don't like being here by myself. I don't seem to get much done.
Yesterday was not a good day at work. At least, not in the work department. I didn't have anything to do. I did some genealogy stuff on the internet. Didn't really find anything new. The only work I had to do was to address seven envelopes. My boss has been real busy lately, in meetings and such. I think it will be this way for a while. So.....I guess its not too bad to get paid for sitting and playing card games and looking on the internet. But it sure makes for a long day! I think I feel a little guilty, too, making all that money and no hard work.
I talked with my baby tonight. She is enjoying her internship already. She said they have already given her some projects to work on. She spent some time looking on the internet for some information and had it ready when asked for it. The lady was very impressed she had this information so quickly. Helped to make Mindy feel needed and that she could make a difference there. She is really praying for direction as to how God will use her. Most of the people there are there to help the impoverished. But she senses that most just enjoying helping and not because they want to share the good news of Christ. She said she didn't want to be judgemental but she didn't think there were many there who were Christians, even though the whole organization was founded by Catholic nuns. It seems they want to keep religion out of everything. This will be a challenge for her!
I had dinner with my grandbabies last night. I met the kids at Chili's and it is so fun to have the girls see me and run to me and say, "Piggy, I missed you and love you." Emma says "Granma, I love you." They just hug me and hang on to me. When it came time to leave, Ashton didn't want me to go. They wanted to stay with me. That is so fun and so rewarding to have these beautiful little girls who laugh and make you laugh! God blesses me everyday with my kids and grandkids.
The dinner theater play rehearsals are going well. I have nearly memorized all of my lines. I plan to have them all memorized by this Sunday's rehearsal. I have told several at work about it and they seem excited to be invited to come. I hope it will be a rewarding time for all. I think it will be fun. I am Leah and as you know, she had so many children. No wonder, I am Leah. I love babies!
I am ready to go to bed already. Oh.....it is later than I thought. I didn't realize it was this late. It is 10:30 and so I guess it is time to go to bed. It will be a long, lonely night. I never sleep as well when Tollie is gone. He will be back tomorrow. Hopefully, before too late. Then on Friday, we go to Houston and will have some time for ourselves. We then pick up missionary friends from the airport on Saturday. That will be fun. They will come back and stay with us for a few days. Have a great "rest" of the week and weekend.
Yesterday was not a good day at work. At least, not in the work department. I didn't have anything to do. I did some genealogy stuff on the internet. Didn't really find anything new. The only work I had to do was to address seven envelopes. My boss has been real busy lately, in meetings and such. I think it will be this way for a while. So.....I guess its not too bad to get paid for sitting and playing card games and looking on the internet. But it sure makes for a long day! I think I feel a little guilty, too, making all that money and no hard work.
I talked with my baby tonight. She is enjoying her internship already. She said they have already given her some projects to work on. She spent some time looking on the internet for some information and had it ready when asked for it. The lady was very impressed she had this information so quickly. Helped to make Mindy feel needed and that she could make a difference there. She is really praying for direction as to how God will use her. Most of the people there are there to help the impoverished. But she senses that most just enjoying helping and not because they want to share the good news of Christ. She said she didn't want to be judgemental but she didn't think there were many there who were Christians, even though the whole organization was founded by Catholic nuns. It seems they want to keep religion out of everything. This will be a challenge for her!
I had dinner with my grandbabies last night. I met the kids at Chili's and it is so fun to have the girls see me and run to me and say, "Piggy, I missed you and love you." Emma says "Granma, I love you." They just hug me and hang on to me. When it came time to leave, Ashton didn't want me to go. They wanted to stay with me. That is so fun and so rewarding to have these beautiful little girls who laugh and make you laugh! God blesses me everyday with my kids and grandkids.
The dinner theater play rehearsals are going well. I have nearly memorized all of my lines. I plan to have them all memorized by this Sunday's rehearsal. I have told several at work about it and they seem excited to be invited to come. I hope it will be a rewarding time for all. I think it will be fun. I am Leah and as you know, she had so many children. No wonder, I am Leah. I love babies!
I am ready to go to bed already. Oh.....it is later than I thought. I didn't realize it was this late. It is 10:30 and so I guess it is time to go to bed. It will be a long, lonely night. I never sleep as well when Tollie is gone. He will be back tomorrow. Hopefully, before too late. Then on Friday, we go to Houston and will have some time for ourselves. We then pick up missionary friends from the airport on Saturday. That will be fun. They will come back and stay with us for a few days. Have a great "rest" of the week and weekend.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
This morning Tollie left for Tyler. He left early so he could get an early start and get a lot done. He has a lot to do in the next three days and wanted to spend every minute making it happen. So....I stayed in bed a little longer and relaxed. But then I got up and thought of three or four really good reasons why I shouldn't do my routine this morning. But I found myself walking that way to do it anyway! And I did it. At one point, I thought, "I could just do half now and half time later!" But you know what? I stuck with it and did it anyway. It reminded me that I can do it, even when I don't want to do it.
We had our second dancing lesson last night. It was so much fun. Tollie and I are doing better at it. We had a hard time with our steps, getting them in sinc with the beat. The foxtrot consists of slow, slow, quick, quick, which sounds like four beats. But when you are muscially inclined such as Tollie, it didn't come out in time right. The slows were like half quarter notes and the quicks were like 8th notes. It just didn't add up. After talking with our instructor we realized you are really doing three steps to four beats! Well, not exactly, you just start the fourth beat on the first beat! Anyway, it explained a lot and helped us be much smoother. Actually, I didn't have my toes stepped on as much.
We were saddened though that one of the couples quit last night. It just wasn't his thing and they left before we got started. He was just not comfortable. So....we are down to three. But I can tell you that Tollie and I are sticking it out. It is good exercise and I enjoy it. I am still trying to learn to follow! If you know me, that is a hard one for me. I want to lead and I have to be led. Good lessons all around!
My baby girl is starting her internship today. I have said new job, but really it is not a job. She doesn't get paid for this. She is working with Operation Breakthrough in Kansas City and I know she will get a lot of hands on experience. Where did the time go? Where did my baby go? She will graduate with her masters in May! Whew! I am getting older! I am so happy for her and the opportunity she has with this and the possibilities coming her way. Thank you for your prayers for her today and this week.
I want to thank her boyfriend, Trent, for flying to Tulsa to meet her and be with her on the drive to Kansas City on Friday. I think it was a real help to her and I know it showed some care and concern for her. Thank you, Trent.
I must run and get to work. When you only work two days a week, it can mean a lot to do or not much to do. We will see when we get there, but when I get there later, it seems there is more to do. Have a great day!
Writing from work. There has not been much to do today! I have looked on the computer, the internet for genealogy stuff and ate lunch with four other co-workers, played a little solitaire and am thinking of leaving early because I don't have much to do. My boss wants me to do his work, not any of the other guys here and that means I have to sit and wait on him. It can make for a long day. But....I do like my job. I get paid well to sit and write and look on the internet and talk with my co-workers. Not many opportunities like that and only two days a week. The other executive assistant (to my same boss) is thinking of quitting because she just feels too bored and he doesn't allow her to help him that much. She is trying real hard to get him organized and I think every one of his assistants has tried that for years. It just doesn't work. He wants things done his way in his time! So.....you wait a lot. But that is fine with me.
I am leaving early to eat supper with my kids and g-kids. I hope to put some pictures here soon of my darling little angels. Emma was sitting in my lap on Sunday and we were watching a music video. I was singing with the video and she was looking up at me and nearly went to sleep. If the video had been any longer she would have fallen asleep. That is special moments when grandma is holding those angels.
Gotta run, we are meeting in twenty minutes.
We had our second dancing lesson last night. It was so much fun. Tollie and I are doing better at it. We had a hard time with our steps, getting them in sinc with the beat. The foxtrot consists of slow, slow, quick, quick, which sounds like four beats. But when you are muscially inclined such as Tollie, it didn't come out in time right. The slows were like half quarter notes and the quicks were like 8th notes. It just didn't add up. After talking with our instructor we realized you are really doing three steps to four beats! Well, not exactly, you just start the fourth beat on the first beat! Anyway, it explained a lot and helped us be much smoother. Actually, I didn't have my toes stepped on as much.
We were saddened though that one of the couples quit last night. It just wasn't his thing and they left before we got started. He was just not comfortable. So....we are down to three. But I can tell you that Tollie and I are sticking it out. It is good exercise and I enjoy it. I am still trying to learn to follow! If you know me, that is a hard one for me. I want to lead and I have to be led. Good lessons all around!
My baby girl is starting her internship today. I have said new job, but really it is not a job. She doesn't get paid for this. She is working with Operation Breakthrough in Kansas City and I know she will get a lot of hands on experience. Where did the time go? Where did my baby go? She will graduate with her masters in May! Whew! I am getting older! I am so happy for her and the opportunity she has with this and the possibilities coming her way. Thank you for your prayers for her today and this week.
I want to thank her boyfriend, Trent, for flying to Tulsa to meet her and be with her on the drive to Kansas City on Friday. I think it was a real help to her and I know it showed some care and concern for her. Thank you, Trent.
I must run and get to work. When you only work two days a week, it can mean a lot to do or not much to do. We will see when we get there, but when I get there later, it seems there is more to do. Have a great day!
Writing from work. There has not been much to do today! I have looked on the computer, the internet for genealogy stuff and ate lunch with four other co-workers, played a little solitaire and am thinking of leaving early because I don't have much to do. My boss wants me to do his work, not any of the other guys here and that means I have to sit and wait on him. It can make for a long day. But....I do like my job. I get paid well to sit and write and look on the internet and talk with my co-workers. Not many opportunities like that and only two days a week. The other executive assistant (to my same boss) is thinking of quitting because she just feels too bored and he doesn't allow her to help him that much. She is trying real hard to get him organized and I think every one of his assistants has tried that for years. It just doesn't work. He wants things done his way in his time! So.....you wait a lot. But that is fine with me.
I am leaving early to eat supper with my kids and g-kids. I hope to put some pictures here soon of my darling little angels. Emma was sitting in my lap on Sunday and we were watching a music video. I was singing with the video and she was looking up at me and nearly went to sleep. If the video had been any longer she would have fallen asleep. That is special moments when grandma is holding those angels.
Gotta run, we are meeting in twenty minutes.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
My health routine is coming along. As stated, I didn't do anything yesterday, but eat. I did do my routine this morning. I was determined to get back each time I miss. Sort of, get back on that ole horse! I guess you could call yesterday a funk day. I was in a funk, a fog, a funny mood. I wanted to sleep yesterday morning when Tollie left for work and I did stay in bed until almost 9:00 am. Unusual for me! When I got up, I went straight to the shower, versus the routine! I planned to do laundry, change sheets on beds, clean the B&B room, that sort of stuff, but instead found myself just sitting most of the day, or playing tetris.
At lunch, which I knew I would not miss!, Mindy called. She was leaving Austin in a couple of hours but was eating her lunch. We talked and I found after talking with her, I was even sadder. So, I came back to the computer and looked at stuff on e-bay. In the meantime, I did sort the laundry and start a few loads. I pulled the sheets off our bed. But it was much later in the day that I found myself sitting again. Oprah had an interesting story of a child in Egypt who had a parasitic head attached when she was born. Surgeons had to remove the head because she would not live. She already had six heart attacks in her young life due to the strain of supporting the two heads. It saddened me beyond belief.
So.....I came back to the computer and was paying some bills, etc. Checking on my credit card account I realized Capital One was now charging me 28.24% interest! I nearly fainted. I have had the card for over five years and never had it been above 9.9. In fact that is why I use the card because of the fixed low interest rate! So I called Capital One. In case you ever decide to call realize that you will never get an operator if you keep pushing the numbers they give you to find a customer service rep. All you have to do is just sit there and not put in any numbers and after about the second time of going through what each of the numbers reach, you get a rep.
I visited with the first rep, explaining my situation. You see, back in October when we were evacuated for Rita, I had called Capital One to let them know I would be late on my payment. I was told then that because of the hurricane, I was being put on a special program where I didn't have to make a payment until January. Great! I probably would be making some payments, but appreciated the program. I made a payment in late October and you guessed it, I got a late payment fee charge! I called them and again they put me on the program, removing the late charge. I didn't make a payment in November and again you guessed it, December's bill had a late charge. I called again, and again it was taken off. I made a payment in January, and when I was looking at my statement on line, there was a late payment fee charge again! and the interest rate of 28.24%. After explaining all this, the lady said I would need to speak to one of her supervisors. When the next person came on the phone I had to go through the whole speal again! She indicated that she could put me on a program that for two months I would have 9.9% and then it would be come variable. I told her that was unacceptable. I used that card because of the fixed rate and expected it to be at 9.9. She stated it had changed because of my "bad" payment history. This is when the fumes started to rise from my ears!
Again I explained to her the whole story, stating that I didn't make payments or made late payments because they said I could! She wanted to know if I would accept the new terms and I stated yes, but if I was not going to get 9.9 fixed again, I would pay off the card and close the account. She stated, "Oh don't do that. You have been with us for a long time and we have had a good record with you." Duh!!!! She then said she would give me to her superivor. Again, I was given another person and had to tell the story through again. She said wait a minute. After about five minutes, a young gentleman came on the phone and stated, "how can I help you?" I said, "well, for the third time, I will start at the beginning." He then began to hem haw around stating he didn't realize I had already spoken to someone else. I quickly corrected him and stated not just one but three previous people!
He had me go through the speal again and then had the audacity to tell me that he was not authorized to change anything! Duh, again! Then why was I talking with him? I told him that I would be paying off my card and closing the account. He wished I wouldn't and said all he could do was turn in a request to look at my account and I would get an answer in 7 to 10 days by mail. Thank you.
Know what I did? I paid the card off, and after it is payed via bill pay, I will cancel the card! I get offers every day for low interest, lower than 9.9 and fixed and even no interest. Why would I want to pay 28.24%? Got me!
My day went from worse to horrible. By the time Tollie got home I was ready to pack it in the for the day! I was on the verge of tears all evening. I went to Bible Study anyway and due to some other issues, I was even more on edge when I got home. I had a bowl of cereal with bananas, which was a mistake. I tasted them all night and didn't sleep well, or at least didn't feel like I slept well. I slept too hard. I woke about 3:00 to a severe headache and dry mouth, which meant I was snoring hard and workinghard at sleeping!
I feel better this morning, if you can believe that! I feel better now getting all this off my chest. So I am off to work and to a doctor's gyno appointment. Oh thrills. But I think it will be better than yesterday.
I keep remembering, Today is the yesterday you worried about tomorrow! Although I wasn't worried yesterday about tomorrow, I just wanted to get through the day! So I hope you have a great day. I am trying!
At lunch, which I knew I would not miss!, Mindy called. She was leaving Austin in a couple of hours but was eating her lunch. We talked and I found after talking with her, I was even sadder. So, I came back to the computer and looked at stuff on e-bay. In the meantime, I did sort the laundry and start a few loads. I pulled the sheets off our bed. But it was much later in the day that I found myself sitting again. Oprah had an interesting story of a child in Egypt who had a parasitic head attached when she was born. Surgeons had to remove the head because she would not live. She already had six heart attacks in her young life due to the strain of supporting the two heads. It saddened me beyond belief.
So.....I came back to the computer and was paying some bills, etc. Checking on my credit card account I realized Capital One was now charging me 28.24% interest! I nearly fainted. I have had the card for over five years and never had it been above 9.9. In fact that is why I use the card because of the fixed low interest rate! So I called Capital One. In case you ever decide to call realize that you will never get an operator if you keep pushing the numbers they give you to find a customer service rep. All you have to do is just sit there and not put in any numbers and after about the second time of going through what each of the numbers reach, you get a rep.
I visited with the first rep, explaining my situation. You see, back in October when we were evacuated for Rita, I had called Capital One to let them know I would be late on my payment. I was told then that because of the hurricane, I was being put on a special program where I didn't have to make a payment until January. Great! I probably would be making some payments, but appreciated the program. I made a payment in late October and you guessed it, I got a late payment fee charge! I called them and again they put me on the program, removing the late charge. I didn't make a payment in November and again you guessed it, December's bill had a late charge. I called again, and again it was taken off. I made a payment in January, and when I was looking at my statement on line, there was a late payment fee charge again! and the interest rate of 28.24%. After explaining all this, the lady said I would need to speak to one of her supervisors. When the next person came on the phone I had to go through the whole speal again! She indicated that she could put me on a program that for two months I would have 9.9% and then it would be come variable. I told her that was unacceptable. I used that card because of the fixed rate and expected it to be at 9.9. She stated it had changed because of my "bad" payment history. This is when the fumes started to rise from my ears!
Again I explained to her the whole story, stating that I didn't make payments or made late payments because they said I could! She wanted to know if I would accept the new terms and I stated yes, but if I was not going to get 9.9 fixed again, I would pay off the card and close the account. She stated, "Oh don't do that. You have been with us for a long time and we have had a good record with you." Duh!!!! She then said she would give me to her superivor. Again, I was given another person and had to tell the story through again. She said wait a minute. After about five minutes, a young gentleman came on the phone and stated, "how can I help you?" I said, "well, for the third time, I will start at the beginning." He then began to hem haw around stating he didn't realize I had already spoken to someone else. I quickly corrected him and stated not just one but three previous people!
He had me go through the speal again and then had the audacity to tell me that he was not authorized to change anything! Duh, again! Then why was I talking with him? I told him that I would be paying off my card and closing the account. He wished I wouldn't and said all he could do was turn in a request to look at my account and I would get an answer in 7 to 10 days by mail. Thank you.
Know what I did? I paid the card off, and after it is payed via bill pay, I will cancel the card! I get offers every day for low interest, lower than 9.9 and fixed and even no interest. Why would I want to pay 28.24%? Got me!
My day went from worse to horrible. By the time Tollie got home I was ready to pack it in the for the day! I was on the verge of tears all evening. I went to Bible Study anyway and due to some other issues, I was even more on edge when I got home. I had a bowl of cereal with bananas, which was a mistake. I tasted them all night and didn't sleep well, or at least didn't feel like I slept well. I slept too hard. I woke about 3:00 to a severe headache and dry mouth, which meant I was snoring hard and workinghard at sleeping!
I feel better this morning, if you can believe that! I feel better now getting all this off my chest. So I am off to work and to a doctor's gyno appointment. Oh thrills. But I think it will be better than yesterday.
I keep remembering, Today is the yesterday you worried about tomorrow! Although I wasn't worried yesterday about tomorrow, I just wanted to get through the day! So I hope you have a great day. I am trying!
Monday, January 09, 2006
Today was a full day. I helped Mindy pack her truck and watched her head out to finish up her few days in Austin and then she is on to Kansas City.
Mindy has not lived at home in over a year and I really don't expect her to come home to live again. So why was it so hard to let her go today? I think it is just knowing she is so far away in Kansas City! Actually, it may be cheaper and easier for me to go see her by flying than it was when she was Lubbock. But things were different then. Our relationship was different then.
I was not ready for her to leave. We had breakfast at Burger King and just enjoyed our visit. Then we finished the packing. We had to stop to get trash bags to put everything in and keep it semi water proof in case of rain. She really isn't taking a lot to Kansas City, but she has a small Nissan truck and you can't put much in the cab, especially if Trent is to ride with her.
Trent is flying to Tulsa to meet Mindy on Friday and go with her the last four hours to Kansas City. Mindy will pick him up at the airport. I am so thankful for his doing this. She won't be trying to maneuver the traffic in Kansas City, going to new places before she is ready! It is just nice of him to do it besides.
Of course, we all know that Trent is the reason Mindy is moving to Kansas City! You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand this! I know she will be happy there and I think her opportunities are will be great.
I sat in the waiting room of the Ford dealership, waiting to have my oil changed on my van this afternoon. It took all afternoon. I napped a little, read many chapters in my current book and waited. I overheard an older couple say, "it is worse than being in the ER." It did take a long time. They just had a lot of business. At least it kept me from cleaning Mindy's room and crying longer! It is just hard to cry in a public waiting room!
This is the third day that I have not done my health routine. I intended to do it this morning but with Mindy here, needing to get her out by 10:30 and then waiting all afternoon, it just didn't happen. But it will in the morning, I promise. I can tell that I have not done it and that is a help to know that it is making a difference.
I have lines to memorize for the dinner theater in February. I am Leah and don't have a lot of lines. In fact, I have had this part years ago and some it is coming back to me. Maybe it won't be too difficult to remember my lines.
We started our small group last night. What a group. There are two single ladies, by single I mean one of them is by herself as her husband doesn't come to church with her let alone a small group and the other is single and one other couple. I hope we can get some others to come and join us as well. I think it is going to be a great group.
Life is busy and full and I have visits to look forward to coming up, with the Patas in a couple of weeks, seeing my folks in February and seeing Gina for several days while we are at the ACU lectureships.
We did it! We started our dance lessons tonight. Us and three other couples were having a great time! It is hard work! We are learning the foxtrot to start off. Tollie and I had a hard time at first. I want to lead him and he isn't sure about the leading! But by the end of the lesson we were getting the hang of it. We will have to practice some between now and next lesson. We want to do this and it was fun and good exercise too!
Mindy has not lived at home in over a year and I really don't expect her to come home to live again. So why was it so hard to let her go today? I think it is just knowing she is so far away in Kansas City! Actually, it may be cheaper and easier for me to go see her by flying than it was when she was Lubbock. But things were different then. Our relationship was different then.
I was not ready for her to leave. We had breakfast at Burger King and just enjoyed our visit. Then we finished the packing. We had to stop to get trash bags to put everything in and keep it semi water proof in case of rain. She really isn't taking a lot to Kansas City, but she has a small Nissan truck and you can't put much in the cab, especially if Trent is to ride with her.
Trent is flying to Tulsa to meet Mindy on Friday and go with her the last four hours to Kansas City. Mindy will pick him up at the airport. I am so thankful for his doing this. She won't be trying to maneuver the traffic in Kansas City, going to new places before she is ready! It is just nice of him to do it besides.
Of course, we all know that Trent is the reason Mindy is moving to Kansas City! You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand this! I know she will be happy there and I think her opportunities are will be great.
I sat in the waiting room of the Ford dealership, waiting to have my oil changed on my van this afternoon. It took all afternoon. I napped a little, read many chapters in my current book and waited. I overheard an older couple say, "it is worse than being in the ER." It did take a long time. They just had a lot of business. At least it kept me from cleaning Mindy's room and crying longer! It is just hard to cry in a public waiting room!
This is the third day that I have not done my health routine. I intended to do it this morning but with Mindy here, needing to get her out by 10:30 and then waiting all afternoon, it just didn't happen. But it will in the morning, I promise. I can tell that I have not done it and that is a help to know that it is making a difference.
I have lines to memorize for the dinner theater in February. I am Leah and don't have a lot of lines. In fact, I have had this part years ago and some it is coming back to me. Maybe it won't be too difficult to remember my lines.
We started our small group last night. What a group. There are two single ladies, by single I mean one of them is by herself as her husband doesn't come to church with her let alone a small group and the other is single and one other couple. I hope we can get some others to come and join us as well. I think it is going to be a great group.
Life is busy and full and I have visits to look forward to coming up, with the Patas in a couple of weeks, seeing my folks in February and seeing Gina for several days while we are at the ACU lectureships.
We did it! We started our dance lessons tonight. Us and three other couples were having a great time! It is hard work! We are learning the foxtrot to start off. Tollie and I had a hard time at first. I want to lead him and he isn't sure about the leading! But by the end of the lesson we were getting the hang of it. We will have to practice some between now and next lesson. We want to do this and it was fun and good exercise too!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
For the past two weeks or so I have been working on a work project. This work involves our side buisness, Memories In Motion. We do videography for weddings and such. Earlier in December we went to a club downtown and did a video of a band, Mid Life Crisis. My pervious boss plays lead singer in it and they are pretty good. They play Rock music mainly from the 60's and 70's. It is fun to listen to them. I have had several occasions to listen, back several years ago when they first started and would practice in the showroom of the dealership and later at a CASA event where they played.
Anyway, back to the finished story.......we did the video, Tollie running mostly the still camera and I doing the moving camera. We then took the two videos and using a program on the computer were able to edit the two together and make a "demo" video for the band. It is fun to do and I have done something similar with another project. But this was my first real try at this. Tollie has done several weddings and has a lot more practice at it. I did finish the video last night and we produced the DVD this morning and played it on the TV. I am taking it to work with me to give to Fred and I am anxious to see his reaction. I really like and think he will be pleased with it.
It is good to have finished a project and feel good about it. Lots of time you finish something and when you look back you think, "I should have done that or this to it." I really didn't have that feeling when I viewed the final project. So that makes it sweeter.
I am looking forward to the weekend. My baby girl, Mindy is coming home and will be here such a short time and then she leaves on Monday morning and heads back to Austin for a few days and then on the Kansas City. My baby living in Kansas City?!?!? Wow, what a change it will be.:) I am trying to smile the whole way, even though there are tears!
I am still on a roll with my resolve to help my health get better. Still can't say the words to you or anyone, yet. Maybe in time, but I still don't want to jinx anything. It is working and I am feeling good about it and doing it great! Thanks for your prayers for me in that.
I would like to ask for other prayers, mainly for our shepherds at church who are working on a vision statement. I was priviledged to work on the statement some on Tuesday night and I pray for God's guidance and wisdom as this develops. They are presenting it to the congregation on Sunday, the 15th. They need your prayers!
Have a great day!
Anyway, back to the finished story.......we did the video, Tollie running mostly the still camera and I doing the moving camera. We then took the two videos and using a program on the computer were able to edit the two together and make a "demo" video for the band. It is fun to do and I have done something similar with another project. But this was my first real try at this. Tollie has done several weddings and has a lot more practice at it. I did finish the video last night and we produced the DVD this morning and played it on the TV. I am taking it to work with me to give to Fred and I am anxious to see his reaction. I really like and think he will be pleased with it.
It is good to have finished a project and feel good about it. Lots of time you finish something and when you look back you think, "I should have done that or this to it." I really didn't have that feeling when I viewed the final project. So that makes it sweeter.
I am looking forward to the weekend. My baby girl, Mindy is coming home and will be here such a short time and then she leaves on Monday morning and heads back to Austin for a few days and then on the Kansas City. My baby living in Kansas City?!?!? Wow, what a change it will be.:) I am trying to smile the whole way, even though there are tears!
I am still on a roll with my resolve to help my health get better. Still can't say the words to you or anyone, yet. Maybe in time, but I still don't want to jinx anything. It is working and I am feeling good about it and doing it great! Thanks for your prayers for me in that.
I would like to ask for other prayers, mainly for our shepherds at church who are working on a vision statement. I was priviledged to work on the statement some on Tuesday night and I pray for God's guidance and wisdom as this develops. They are presenting it to the congregation on Sunday, the 15th. They need your prayers!
Have a great day!
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
I have done my secret endeavor every day so far! Again, I can't tell you what that is, because I might jinx it, but I can tell you I enjoy it and was able to do what I needed to do without revealing to Tollie or anyone else what I was doing!
Why is it that when we have clandestine meetings and secrets we feel so powerful? I understand now how affairs can be so enticing:) Not that I am having an affair, mind you. I just have information that noone else has and it feels so powerful! It is like I am in control. But I really know that I am not! That is what is so funny about all this. I am no more in control than before I had this secret, it just feels like it. I have known for a while that perception is 90% of one's thinking.
No matter what the truth, if it is perceived, it is believed! My whole life involved perceiving that I had to get it right all the time, that believing the scriptures as a whole was dependent on my salvation. I perceived that salvation was dependent on what I did ~ not who He is and what He did! Therefore, everything I did had to be perfect, in order to be eligible for that salvation.
Now, I realize that scripture is scripture and not necessarily part of the good news. I read several other blogs, including Mike Cope, Patrick Mead and John Alan Turner. Lately, JAT http://www.johnalanturner.blogspot.com/2005_12_01_johnalanturner_archive.html with a title of "Light and Life" and Mead http://www.tentpegs.blogspot.com (with a title of "But Is It a Tree") have had some really insightful posts lately and have helped me come to some better perceptions. Also, Bible classes have helped in this as well.
I like learning and lately, seems I have found some interesting concepts and insights that are shaping my beliefs to what I perceive is more correct than what I had in the past.
Have a great week!!:)
Why is it that when we have clandestine meetings and secrets we feel so powerful? I understand now how affairs can be so enticing:) Not that I am having an affair, mind you. I just have information that noone else has and it feels so powerful! It is like I am in control. But I really know that I am not! That is what is so funny about all this. I am no more in control than before I had this secret, it just feels like it. I have known for a while that perception is 90% of one's thinking.
No matter what the truth, if it is perceived, it is believed! My whole life involved perceiving that I had to get it right all the time, that believing the scriptures as a whole was dependent on my salvation. I perceived that salvation was dependent on what I did ~ not who He is and what He did! Therefore, everything I did had to be perfect, in order to be eligible for that salvation.
Now, I realize that scripture is scripture and not necessarily part of the good news. I read several other blogs, including Mike Cope, Patrick Mead and John Alan Turner. Lately, JAT http://www.johnalanturner.blogspot.com/2005_12_01_johnalanturner_archive.html with a title of "Light and Life" and Mead http://www.tentpegs.blogspot.com (with a title of "But Is It a Tree") have had some really insightful posts lately and have helped me come to some better perceptions. Also, Bible classes have helped in this as well.
I like learning and lately, seems I have found some interesting concepts and insights that are shaping my beliefs to what I perceive is more correct than what I had in the past.
Have a great week!!:)
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