Monday, January 09, 2006


Today was a full day. I helped Mindy pack her truck and watched her head out to finish up her few days in Austin and then she is on to Kansas City.

Mindy has not lived at home in over a year and I really don't expect her to come home to live again. So why was it so hard to let her go today? I think it is just knowing she is so far away in Kansas City! Actually, it may be cheaper and easier for me to go see her by flying than it was when she was Lubbock. But things were different then. Our relationship was different then.

I was not ready for her to leave. We had breakfast at Burger King and just enjoyed our visit. Then we finished the packing. We had to stop to get trash bags to put everything in and keep it semi water proof in case of rain. She really isn't taking a lot to Kansas City, but she has a small Nissan truck and you can't put much in the cab, especially if Trent is to ride with her.

Trent is flying to Tulsa to meet Mindy on Friday and go with her the last four hours to Kansas City. Mindy will pick him up at the airport. I am so thankful for his doing this. She won't be trying to maneuver the traffic in Kansas City, going to new places before she is ready! It is just nice of him to do it besides.

Of course, we all know that Trent is the reason Mindy is moving to Kansas City! You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand this! I know she will be happy there and I think her opportunities are will be great.

I sat in the waiting room of the Ford dealership, waiting to have my oil changed on my van this afternoon. It took all afternoon. I napped a little, read many chapters in my current book and waited. I overheard an older couple say, "it is worse than being in the ER." It did take a long time. They just had a lot of business. At least it kept me from cleaning Mindy's room and crying longer! It is just hard to cry in a public waiting room!

This is the third day that I have not done my health routine. I intended to do it this morning but with Mindy here, needing to get her out by 10:30 and then waiting all afternoon, it just didn't happen. But it will in the morning, I promise. I can tell that I have not done it and that is a help to know that it is making a difference.

I have lines to memorize for the dinner theater in February. I am Leah and don't have a lot of lines. In fact, I have had this part years ago and some it is coming back to me. Maybe it won't be too difficult to remember my lines.

We started our small group last night. What a group. There are two single ladies, by single I mean one of them is by herself as her husband doesn't come to church with her let alone a small group and the other is single and one other couple. I hope we can get some others to come and join us as well. I think it is going to be a great group.

Life is busy and full and I have visits to look forward to coming up, with the Patas in a couple of weeks, seeing my folks in February and seeing Gina for several days while we are at the ACU lectureships.

We did it! We started our dance lessons tonight. Us and three other couples were having a great time! It is hard work! We are learning the foxtrot to start off. Tollie and I had a hard time at first. I want to lead him and he isn't sure about the leading! But by the end of the lesson we were getting the hang of it. We will have to practice some between now and next lesson. We want to do this and it was fun and good exercise too!

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