Monday, January 29, 2007


Here I am at work, but not working! Every been there? You are at work, but there is not much to do so you look like you are working and try to stay busy. I really like it better when I am busy. The day seems to fly by and I don't have time to take a Butterfinger snack bite from my candy jar and eat it and then feel guilty. But I am working, having another hour to look busy!

I have had some strange long-time-ago connections lately. I think I mentioned it in another post but a couple of weeks ago I had a phone call from a High School classmate. We were in band together. I have not talked to her in 37 years but she called me the other night and we talked for 1 1/2 hours! Can you believe that? I can't. Anyway, she talked more than I but I found out things I did not know at that time and she said things I didn't even remember much. At any rate, there are several band members talking and wanting to have a reunion, so we have set up a group in Yahoo and think we will plan a band reunion for next year. It will include several years of members. If you are from Lubbock, Texas and went to Coronado High School and played in the Mustang Band from 1968 to 1972, then you may want to go to Yahoo and go the Groups and look under Music, and High School Bands. There is a group called piggysband that you can leave a message and let us know how to contact you. Donna will be organizing a list for contacts.

Then I ran into (and I mean I literally ran into) a woman. She knew she knew me and I knew I knew her, but we were both struggling to figure it out. When I finally mentioned Tollie's name, she lurched across the aisle and hugged me so tight. She had gone to church with us a few years back and as I think back now, I remember her mother and her and the things going on at the time.

And then a few days ago I finally connected with a friend who had moved from our area years ago and we had kept in touch through e-mail for a while, but lately had lost contact. I thought I had made contact finally but the mail came back. I dug through and got out an old e-mail and took the chance. Sure enough, she e-mailed me back. Her boys are grown now and married and we both feel so much older than we really are! Anyway, it was good to re-connect with her and catch up.

I read today concerning the Garnett church in Tulsa and the history. I did not realize that Garnett had declined so much in the last few years, declined at least in numbers. It sounds like to me they are growing in faith and what "church" is really all about. It was an interesting read. Here is the link to let you in on the article "We Don't Do Megachurch Anymore"

I think you will find it interesting as well.

Gotta run and actually do some work. Hope your day is going well.

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