These pictures are from July 4th. We watched the Bethany fireworks display from the bed of the truck. Trent pulled the truck to their backyard and it made a good sitting place to watch the show. The girls had fun before the show to collect fireflies in a jar. They were fascinated by them. So am I!!!!
I can't believe I am the age I am and have two grown beautiful daughters who have families of their own. They are such great wives and Jamie is a great mother! I am so proud of both of my girls. They truly love God and it shows in everything they do. Thank you God for families.
Hi Peggy,
cool blog! your are blessed with a cool family for the looks of the pictures!
if I may ask , What part of Missouri did ya visit? I Live in Mo. hope ya had a good visit !
have a great day!
poped over from , Dee's blog
My daughter and her husband live in Bethany, MO, north central MO. Trent is the senior pastor of Blue Ridge Church just outside of Bethany. Mindy is a social worker at the hospital in Bethany.
You are right, I have a cool family. I am very proud of my family and love being with all of them. Just wish Trent and Mindy didn't live quite so far away. 16 hours travel is a long way for a visit! (I am in Southeast Texas)
Thanks for the visit and come back.
thanks Peggy,
never hear of Bethany?
but i bet ya never hear of where i live long lane mo. :)
nice to meet ya m so to speak :)
Hey Peggy, you don't know me but I know Trent and Mindy. Trent and my husband, Josh, are close friends and went to high school together. I came across your blog one day while searching the internet and now I check regularly for updates on the Willhite family! We also got to spend some time with Trent and Mindy this summer (not too long before you came) and enjoyed it immensly! They are great! Thanks for the pictures! I know exactly how Mindy felt getting all the way to home! This is my second year playing and I remember my first base hit and when I actually made it to home! It was such a great feeling!
What a small world. Thanks for the contact. We had a great time while there earlier this month. Wasn't the picture of Mindy coming in to home great? I love that picture. Just wish the wires from the fence were not obstructing it, but it is still a great picture.
Glad to hear from you. Come by and visit often, I plan to post more often and I love to post pictures.
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