You heard me.....cutting the fabric! Wow, I know I have dreaded that. After all this time of work and the last thing you do could destroy the whole project! But I am gaining confidence as I finish it up.
Here is the project in process. I have only a small area under the top peacock to work on and then the cut work around the whole thing. I will definitely post a picture of the finished product, framed and hanging, but I wanted to share with you what I am doing in my spare time right now.
I do mean every spare minute is spent working on this project. I told Tollie after Christmas that it was my goal to get this finished before starting any other project! He has understood and is patiently watching me work hard to finish it. I think he is as ready (or maybe even more ready) for me to finish it.
You really cannot appreciate all the work that is going into this, unless you cross stitch. This one has lots of cross stitch stitches and beads and unusual threads to work in and then the cutwork. I just wish the picture would reveal more of the story. If you want to really see how beautiful it is turning out, come on by and I will proudly show it off!
Wow it is beautiful. My mom cross stitches so I know how hard it is. Requires too much patience for me! Then, perhaps, it's not for me because I'll spend hours on a computer project...I guess it is just doing what you love to do!
It is really beautiful though and I'd love to see it if I am ever in Texas!
My husband has grandmothers and a sister who live there so maybe someday!
You are so right, Charmed mom. It does take a lot of patience. But I find it very soothing for me to watch a movie and cross stitch. I seem to have to be doing something, cross stitch, crochet, knit, quilting, just something when I sit or travel. It seems to make the time pass better.
Please, if you are ever in Texas, come on by. Not too many come our way with us being in the "armpit" of Texas. But you would be welcome anytime.
I tried to get Dee to come this way and take a break on one of her trips to Abilene. Maybe someday.
Wow, Peggy! I'm really impressed with your cross stitch work! (And, that you and Lynn have gotten to know each other! Lynn is my beloved daughter-in-law.)
I did a few cross stitch pieces a few years ago and really liked doing them, but as with many other crafts things I've done over the years, I gave it up after a fairly short time.
I never have stuck with anything taking a lot of patience for very long, I don't think. Except blogging and writing!
Glad you're going to send some photos for the contest. I'm looking forward to getting them.
Much love,
Since you have done cross stitch, then you know the time and patience it takes to tackle a project like this one. Now you know why it took so many years.
I am enjoying getting to know Lynn through the blogs. I hope we can continue to "talk."
That is what I love about bloggin. You are so much better at being consistent with it, than I am. I am trying to do better.
Now that I am through with that project, maybe I will! :)
Come back anytime! Peggy
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