Thursday, August 07, 2008


I have a friend whose daughter is having surgery on Monday. Please pray for Casey. She will be in the hospital for about 5 to 7 days and we need to know that she has no cancer and will not need any more surgery for her Crohn's Disease!

Thank you to the few that check out this blog and lurk around. I know I have been away a lot this summer and have not posted much. Actually I have not had much to post, but this request is much needed. Hopefully, enough of you will lurk here and find the time to pray for my friend!

I think when you are away and no one seems to notice, it is time to shut her down. This will probably be my last post of all time! Thanks and it has been fun!


Charmed Mom said...

I will pray for your friend's daughter and that she will be healed!

I hope you post from time to time just so I can keep up on your milestones!

Anonymous said...



You can't stop blogging! I check by here all the time and would really miss you if you weren't blogging.

In fact - I tried to send you an email this afternoon and it came back, which surprised me. Please email me and send me your current email address, okay?! I wanted to send you a really good recipe.

And, please, keep coming by Finding Direction and commenting! I've missed you over there lately, too.

Much love,


Aggiema (Michelle) said...

It does not sound like you plan to check this email anymore but I thought I would give it a try. I saw on Dee's blog that you were planning to go back to Beaumont on Sunday. My brother is the Fire Chief in Nederland and he told me last night that they were going to start evacuations this morning (SAT) so you may need to check to see if you can get back in. May be safer just to stay in Abilene if that is an option. Just thought I would let you know.