Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Swollen but feeling okay

I woke up this morning with a tight jaw, tight cheek and tight neck. I am swollen from my dental surgery and it looks like Tollie slugged me in the jaw. But I feel okay. I was real tired yesterday but feeling much better today.

Thanks for the prayers for my recovery and the calls and well wishes. I have spent the last two days sitting in a chair, watching TV and cross stitching. Today, though I have to get the house ready for company.

I have company coming!!!! My best friend in all the world is coming to see me. They will be here this evening and I have to clean the bathrooms, clean the floors and get ready for them to be here. I have to work in the morning, ugh!!! But I have to go because I have not been in two weeks and I have to get some hours in so we can eat!!! But that will give them time to sleep in and take their time enjoying the quiet. Sometimes you just need to get to a new location and veg out. I hope they will enjoy that. I can see them now, sitting on the porch and enjoying the morning with their coffee and book. That's what they like.

I want to thank God for the good report my friend had from her biopsy. Everything was benign. No more surgery. That is a relief.

I hope to get back to blogging regularly and insightfully next week. My friends will leave Monday morning, Tollie will leave for Tyler Monday morning and I will be here all alone. That might be a blessing! So.....until next week have a great week and weekend. See you then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon!!

Just sent you an e-mail but then remembered the BLOG so thought I could at least do some catching up on you. So VERY glad to see Gina's good report. :-) Praying this continues. So VERY glad they are coming -- a REAL refreshment for ALL concerned!! Yes, your back porch or front porch or whatever WILL be a good sitting place!! :-)

Understand your comment in one of the BLOGS about the family being together and it working WELL. We LOVED that discovery with our 3 days short of one month with our crew! Isn't that a DELIGHTFUL discovery!!

hugs and as I said in the e-mail I kept up with you through Tollie and Jamie.

Lunch next week?? PLEASE!!
