Tuesday, February 06, 2007


The reason the elliptical rocks is this. I started using it last week on Wednesday morning. The first time I used it, my heart pounded out of my chest. I was short of breath and knew I had to heed the heart rate advise. So I checked my heart rate and checked the RPM and took note. The first time, I was going about 30 RPM and my heart rate jumped to 135 real fast and I could only do about five minutes.

Okay, the cool thing is that I found if I do about 20 to 25 RPM I could keep my heart rate in the zone of 99-124 easily. The first couple of days I did five minutes and then moved to 10 minutes and then on Saturday did 12 minutes. My heart rate would creep up if I was not careful to keep the RPMs down and I usually had HR of about 125. But no soreness, no shortness of breath, doing okay ~ just slow and easy so there is no excuses.

Today, I jumped on the elliptical. I checked my heart rate first, 89. Okay, get up to 25 RPM. I was watching TV and after about 3 minutes I looked down to notice I was doing about 33 RPM. UHHHHHH! Better check my heart rate. 117! What? Could this be right? Well, I will continue a while longer and check it again. After 7 minutes, RPM of 30 to 35 and HR 118! This is wonderful. I am not choking for breath, I am using more calories and I can go longer. So at 15 minutes, I checked again and the highest HR was at 118 and I was doing about 33 RPM for at least 12 minutes. That is so cool!

I am determined this time! I even called Tollie to report to him! That is a real first, because before (as I have posted before) if I share all this with anyone, it seems to jinks it. But not this time! Thank you Lord! I will succeed with great health this time!

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