Tuesday, August 02, 2005


It has occurred to me recently that I have been spammed twice! I received an e-mail from paypal concerning my account. I have received an e-mail once that stated I was trying to access my password. I didn't think too much of it. Then I get this e-mail that says I had added a new e-mail address. This I know I didn't do, so I was concerned and linked onto the link in the e-mail, thinking it was from paypal. After answering the questions it asked, I went on my merry way, but had a nagging feeling about it. Sure enough I researched it out again and realized it may have been a fradulent e-mail. I contacted paypal and sure enough it was a fraud e-mail. I had to go to my bank and get a new debit card and change everything in paypal. The link said it was going to paypal, but in reality when I clicked on the link, it went to a different source. So tricky and so underhanded.

Then the other day a cousin sent an e-mail concerning the ICE entry you put in your cell phone so that if you are in an accident the paramedics look there for In Case of Emergency number. Innocent enough and a good idea. Wrong! It is a phase one step of a several phase process to screw up your phone. Needless to say I repented and erased by entry quickly and notified those I had given this information to before. I don't like the idea that I have been duped so easily. But I have and now I realize how cunning and crafty these spammers can be.

Yet, I know Satan can be just as crafty and cunning and how often do I feel "spammed" by him? Not really that often. I know he is alive and well, but how often do I feel his presence in my life, trying to trip me up? Even though it is not often, I don't think it is because I am living such a Christian perfect life! I wonder if it is because I get so caught up in my living that I don't notice either Christ or Satan, just me! Of course, I guess that is one way Satan can spam us, cause us to get so caught up with ourselves.

So.....my goal today is to watch for spamming by the devil and make certain my eyes and thoughts are on Christ so I don't presume I am okay.

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