Thursday, December 29, 2005


I did it this morning. I did it yesterday morning and I will do it tomorrow morning. I can do this and I will do this.

Isn't it interesting how life can hand us what we think are lemons and people tell us to make lemonade. It is easy to say things when it is not your lemons!

Please pray for a little boy named Ira. He is struggling right now in a hospital in New York. Joe and Laura Hays are his parents and his big sister Sophia. I have been reading Joe's blog for a while now. They were given lemons the past few weeks. I'm not sure they are ready to make lemonade yet ~ they are patiently waiting on the Lord to heal Ira. I say patiently and yet I can't imagine the patience it is taking for them!

I have my own lemons with my parents and I will call them today and check up on them. I am going to Lubbock the week of February 15th. I will probably leave the 14th or 15th and stay a week. I just can't go in January. I am at peace with that decision and believe it to be the best. Unless things here or there change, that is my plan.

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