Wednesday, August 31, 2005


As we watch the coverage of the aftermath, we feel helpless. Yet, Tollie and I both had the same feeling last night. We want to do something. Of course, our first thoughts were we have this large house with extra beds and room for people. So, we both, almost at the same time, said we want to go get someone to stay with us, that needs housing.

But I need help in doing this. This will certainly be out of my comfort zone. Yet, if I want a B & B, someday, this would be like that! can I not try. Yet, a B & B could be a one night thing, where this may be a month-long thing! That is a huge difference! But I do feel compelled to do something.

I am going this morning to get some gift cards. We are collecting those at church to hand out and help the victims in some way. I will go to Ford Arena or call and find out what is the best way to help! I know they need money right now and that is certainly a possibility. But I will see what else I can do and I am praying this morning that God sends someone to us to bring home to our house!

This could be a turning point in our lives to go from wanting to be a different church, to being a different church!

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