Tuesday, August 30, 2005


In reading my list of blogs this morning, I read where Kip McKean is bringing back the "lost" from the ICOC and wanting to determine who is in or out! This brings back so many memories and not good ones at that.

Why do people feel compelled to judge the hearts of men? I know we all do at times but this is a constant in this man's life. Satan has a strong hold on this man and I pray for his freedom in Christ.

I am still praying for those in the Gulf Coast states who are hurting and not home and don't even know if they have a home to go to. It must be devastating! I am so thankful we were spared. We got a strong, short lived wind and rain storm through here yesterday in late afternoon that was nothing compared to what these people went through. This was just an outer band of storms that came through, but it was enough for me. Knocked over some plants and my front yard looks like beavers have been in my tree cutting the tips off!

So I am very thankful we didn't have a visit from Katrina and hopefully we will not see any of her family of hurricanes this season!

1 comment:

Deana Nall said...

The Boston Church of Christ, which Kip established as the "flagship" church of the Boston Movement before headquarters moved to LA, has denounced Kip's methods (finally!) and is threatening to withdraw fellowship from him. The letter is at http://www.bostoncoc.org/Boston/elders_address.htm?xid=157759.

Hope things are well in Beaumont!