Monday, August 29, 2005


We are breathing a sigh of relief as we watch Katrina going into Louisiana. She could have made her way further west but went north instead. We are happy. Not happy that others are suffering but happy she did not come our way.

I thought it strange this morning when I heard a senator from Louisiana say they were praying for the storm to go east of New Orleans! I am sure there were others praying as well, those east praying it would go west or east! Poor God! I know he must hear all these prayers coming from all directions and then has to decide to disappoint someone! Is this really how it works? I have so many questions concerning prayer and how it works and I can't wait to get to heaven and ask them! (Although probably by then, it won't matter to me)

What do you think about prayer? I know prayer works, I'm just not sure how it works nor am I sure I always ask the right questions in my prayers. I know God has a plan and does he really change those plans by hearing prayers? If that be the case, what causes him to change his mind and does he then become a respector of persons and then does it depend on our "goodness" or "badness" as to who he listens to? Or is it that it is so out of our realm of thinking that none of this is what happens at all and that what really does happen can't be explained in human terms? See, I have many questions.

Don't get me wrong, I do pray. I pray every night before I go to sleep and I try to pray often. I am sure I pray when things are tough and I need to have comfort. I try to remember to always pray for thanksgiving. But I am not sure I pray often and at the right times and especially I believe that I don't pray the right kind of prayer! I am working and studying on my praying to see if I can understand it more and more.

If you have ideas of how prayer works and how it affects us, please share them with me.

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