Monday, September 19, 2005


Well, Louisiana had their Katrina. Texas may have our Rita. At this point, it is looking more and more like we may have the big one come our way.

I am trying to think ahead and have contacted a niece who lives in Central Texas and we will probably go there if the need arises. We should know more about Thursday or Friday. Of course, anything can happen, as we know from Katrina. If Rita goes in east of us, we are okay, but anything west of us could spell danger, winds, tornadoes and rain, lots of rain. The last I heard today, it looked like it might be Galveston area, which is west of us. Depending on the category of the storm, it would affect us, just not sure how much. If it comes in at High Island, we are in more danger.

At this time, I am trying to determine what is of value, sentimental and what I should pack. We will have to decide if we take two vehicles or just one. This would also depend on the kids and what they want to do. They are north of us and may not have to evacuate. Later in the week, we will know.

I think everyone is much more on edge even here because of Katrina and the mess she left. We know it could be just as bad, although we are above sea level. That helps! My first priority is my pictures. I have albums and boxes of early movie tapes. They will go in first. Then there are some hand me downs from ancestors and they will need to be packed. Of course, the project I am working on now and others that are for later! The computer is a must! It has our life history on it!

My biggest concern is all the stuff in the yard we will have to move to the storage house or the garage. That will take some time. We are high here and I believe we will be okay, but we are taking no chances and if Rita decides to come visit, we will leave is she is anything more than a category 1. We have been through Bonnie and did okay. Anything more than 1 and we are out of here.

Will keep you updated on what I am taking and when we leave.

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