Thursday, July 21, 2005

I Am Late

I am late for work this morning. I don't really have a definite time to get to work, but I do try to get there by 10:00. I only work on Tuesdays and Thursdays and this morning I am going to be late.

I am working on a backdrop for taking pictures at the CASA carnival this Saturday. My son-in-law is to come today, I think this evening, and paint the picture. I want a beach scene with a mermaid and a sea monster. I will cut out the faces of them and have the children put their face in place and take a picture. Then they will have the picture to take back with them.

I will write more tomorrow and explain more on CASA and what we do and what I have learned from doing it. Also, some comments on a book I am now reading. Interesting things happening, come back and share with me.

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