Sunday, May 29, 2005

It's Sunday Again!

Wow! Here it is Sunday again! Seems only yesterday, we were at last Sunday. Where is the time going? I feel like life is rushing past me and I am standing in the mist of the swirling air as it passes.

I have felt so tired lately but think I have finally figured out what is causing my tiredness. So...maybe the next week will be better for me.

We got rain yesterday and it has already rained today. Thank you God. I have been asking for rain. My yard was about to blow away and I have watered and watered. But it has not helped that much. The faucet water keeps my plants from wilting totally away, but it is amazing to me to see my plants perk up when the rain comes, even a little. It is like they just open up their hearts and let the rain in.

I just made a comment on Neal Whitlow's blog concerning his comments on worship. He was saying he wished we could have worship that was boring. Boring in the sense that the people worshipping were so intense in their worship that others looking on would think it was boring. I agreed with him that I thought it would be good worship but hard to see it happening because we are Americans. We want our cups filled right now! It is hard to wait on the type of worship he was describing.

I think about the rain and how we can pretend to worship all day long. Like the plants with the faucet water, it might keep us from wilting but would we really open up with an intense worship from the heart that did not look at clocks and did not repeat rote prayers! Would we, like the plants, open up more to God? I think we would. I would like to try it......and I think I will be more conscious this morning as I worship to not think about the things around me but to really be intense in my worship.

I will let you know how it affected my worship this morning. Have a great day in the Lord!

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