Sunday, June 19, 2005

The Lord's Day

Sunday! The Lord's Day. The day we meet with our brothers and sisters in Christ and worship the heavenly father in a more dedicated and formal way. I say this as I am exploring the reason, the whys and wherefores of corporate worship.

I have concluded not to call the time worship time, as I am trying to make every momont of time my worship to God. I don't like to call it church, because people are the church, not a building. So I am trying to conclude in my own mind exactly what to call this time where we meet as a family. Family time! Hummmmm, has possibility.

This will be the first time my sis and her husband have gone to services with us since the merger. It will be interesting to hear feedback from an "outsider", an open but cofc outsider.

Will let you know how today goes.

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